Who is being "baked" with enthusiastic Wuhu?

Author:Dajiang Information Time:2022.07.12

High -temperature hot waves come! Wuhu entered the small summer, the temperature rose straight, and the day was hotter every day. The remaining heat of yesterday was not dispersed. Today, it added new heat. Jiangcheng entered the "barbecue" mode. The sun was particularly dazzling, and the cicadas on the tree kept noise from morning to night, and there were few pedestrians on the road. The air -conditioned room became the best summer resort.

The reporter learned from Wuhu Power Supply Company that as of now, the city's daily power consumption has exceeded 4 million kilowatts, a record high. As Futian is coming, the sun and hot temperature will continue, and the electricity consumption may further rise. At present, the power supply department of our city is fully ensuring that residents are used for electricity and production.

▲ Electricity workers are under high temperature maintenance equipment. Feng Jiadong/Photo

No matter how hot the weather is, work will continue, and life is still the same. Outdoor workers are facing the scorching sun and rushing to the city's construction to contribute to urban construction. One by one construction site and project site, there are workers with wet workers; on the hot road, the courier and takeaway brother "fully armed" all armed forces "all armed forces" "The dark noodles are DC; early in the morning, the sanitation workers were already on the job. During the lunch break, they often paved a large plastic cloth under the shade of the tree and slept on the floor.

▲ Chen Jie/Photo

Summer electricity consumption is rising and running at a high level. Electric workers are fighting for the front line. Ciffes, work clothes, insulation gloves, insulation shoes are standard for their work. The same is true of gas supply protection personnel.

▲ The power supply department strives to ensure residents' electricity and production electricity. Duan Fang/Photo

There are also our road traffic police, vendors who sell fruits and fruits, farmers who are facing the loess ... Because of their hard work, there are urban development, the cleanliness of the pavement, the well -being of traffic order, and the lives of the people. Worry -free, dining table is abundant.

▲ Li Jia/Photo

The hard work of outdoor workers is worthy of praise from the whole society and providing them with actual actions. A bottle of water, a cold drink, enough. Wuhu merchants have launched such a summer delivery of cool public welfare activities. A freezer on the roadside is filled with mineral water and cold drinks, and it is free for outdoor workers. Many people are inspired to launch love relay and make the freezer full.

▲ Outdoor workers use cold drinks (data pictures) with "unmanned freezer" for free.

Every summer, communities, streets, and love organizations will also organize cool condolences to outdoor workers in their jurisdictions. This year, the "People's Cities Station" has been completed and used, divided into rest areas, living areas, washing areas, functional areas, etc., equipped with tables and chairs, refrigerators, water dispensers, microwave ovens, and charging facilities. Water, food refrigerated, heating of food, and temporary rest.

In order to protect the rights and interests of outdoor workers, high -temperature allowance standards have been introduced in many places. The state stipulates that employers arrange workers under high temperature weather (the maximum temperature of the daily maximum temperature is above 35 ° C). If open -air work and cannot take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace below 33 ° C, the workers shall pay high temperature subsidies to the workers. It is usually June to August each year. In some areas, instead of issuing high -temperature subsidies to employees, it is better to put "high temperature leave" for front -line workers. However, most of the "high temperature fakes" are determined by the specific conditions of each local and units. The Labor Law of the People's Republic of China does not have the claim that there is no "high temperature fake".

▲ Chen Jie/Photo

High temperature holidays will affect the construction period, but many places are adjusted at the time of outdoor schedule. The Wuhu Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau will release the "Notice on Effectively Doing Safety Production Work Safety during the Summer High temperature" every summer, which clearly stipulates that each project department shall formulate a more reasonable schedule in accordance with the relevant provisions of the production safety and take the "morning and evening to do it in the morning and evening The method of rest at noon, avoid the hottest period of noon, improve labor conditions, reduce labor intensity, and timely supply cool drinks, clean water and heatstroke products.

▲ Xu Cheng/Photo

How to prevent heat and cool down at high temperature "long -lasting"? Outdoor workers must replenish water in time. This is the top priority of summer heatstroke prevention. It is recommended to drink plenty of boiled water, light saline, and tea. Eat more "sour" foods, such as tomatoes, lemon, hawthorn, etc., can condense sweat and diarrhea, eliminate heat, prevent excessive sweating, consume gas and yin, and can relieve thirst, healthy stomach. For office workers in the office, the temperature of the air conditioner should not be too low, and it is easy to "air -conditioning disease". In addition, everyone must guarantee sufficient sleep. Summer is short and short, high in temperature, strong metabolism in the human body. Successive sleep can relax the brain and body, which is conducive to recovering physical strength.

习 Reporter: Suratee Li Jia Yang Ying

▍ Editor: Xing Jia

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