The peak period of electricity load is coming to the front line of more than 800 electricity employees in Neijiang, Sichuan last year

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.12

Luo Guoqiang Cover Journalist Huang Xiaoqing

Due to the recent high temperature and excessive electricity load, the public change at No. 61, Ailin Mall in Dongxing District, Neijiang City, Sichuan, has been operated overloaded. At 5 am on the morning of July 12, Ye Jiahao, the captain of the Communist Party member service team of the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power (Neijiang) Lianxinqiao, led more than a dozen players to replace 315 kV transformers to 400 kVA during the low peak period of electricity. Increase the capacity and make power supply more reliable.

Not only the Ailin shopping mall, the high temperature and hot weather in the past few days caused the power load to rise sharply. Compared with last year, the peak period of electric load had arrived in advance.

At present, there are more than 800 electricity employees in Neijiang Power Supply Company on the front line of high temperatures at high temperatures. They may carry out power grid defect processing, infrared temperature measurement and other work during the early morning and night of electricity, or deal with customer electricity failure at the scorching sun. Or 24 hours insist on the position of the post and the operating status of heavy load transformers and lines, and prepare to transfer the grid load at any time.

In addition, in order to ensure the reliable operation of the power grid, the Neijiang Power Supply Company scientifically arranges the operation method of the grid, gives full play to the power supply capacity of the power grid, actively actively visit industrial enterprise users, coordinate the majority of electricity companies to take the initiative to avoid peak peaks, fully protect people's livelihood power, ensure that electricity uses electricity, ensure that Residents cool down the load, and at the same time use power -based operations or peaks to carry out necessary power grid defects. Continue to increase the inspection of the equipment and transmission lines of the substation, special inspections such as the heavy load of important residential communities and the launch of infrared temperature measurement at the overload site, cool down the equipment, and work hard to ensure the safe operation of the power grid and ensure residents' electricity.

It is worth mentioning that Neijiang Power Supply Company predicts in advance to strengthen the construction of the power grid and improve the power supply capacity as an important part of the summer power supply. Last year, the leadership of the construction department of Neijiang Power Supply Company, the high -voltage branch, Xingyuan Company, Weiyuan County Power Supply Company and other units cooperated with each other. The 110 kV Tiger Bay substation has also been successfully put into operation, and the structure of the Neijiang Grid has been continuously optimized.

At the same time, 35 kV Yongfu transformation stations were also put into production, and 35 kV and above lines were 15.91 kilometers and a substation capacity was 350,000 kV. The power supply capacity of the rural power grid was significantly improved.

In the next step, all cadres and employees of Neijiang Power Supply Company will continue to fight high -temperature electricity, and continue to conduct comprehensive inspections and maintenance of transformation and transformation and power distribution facilities to ensure that the power grid equipment is in a good state of operation, and strive to meet the use of the people under the people under the high temperature weather. Electric demand.

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