Ambassador to Nigeria met with Aonabra State Culture and Tourism Department, Ang Yiji

Author:Direct Africa Time:2022.07.12

Recently, Cui Jianchun, the Ambassador to Nigeria, met with the governor of Aanbula, the state culture and entertainment and tourism department, Ang Yiji, and the two sides had a friendly talks on strengthening the exchange and cooperation between the state and China in various fields.

Director Aiji paid to Ambassador Cui on behalf of Governor Solu Dudu. He reviewed the strong support of China in the field of economic, trade, infrastructure, humanities and other fields with the strong support of the embassy in recent years, and hoped that he would continue to strengthen cooperation with China in the future. Especially in the field of cultural fields, the state will select the best art troupe to participate in brand activities such as the "Happy Spring Festival" organized by the embassy to improve the level of cultural exchanges between the two countries.

Ambassador Cui said that the status of Aunabra in Nigeron's national status is important, and its achievements with China's economic and trade and cultural exchanges are abundant. With the establishment and improvement of the mechanism of the intergovernmental committees of the Sino -Indian government, the embassy is willing to promote the growth and development strategy of the Sino -Nine 5GIST growth and development and progress with Aunabra, and enhance the use of Chinese teaching, artistic talents, professional talent training, and co -organizing large -scale cultural activities. Humanistic exchanges for the main content, share China and culture, and play together in China and movements. (Source: Embassy in Nigeria)

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