Finding Dream China: Tanzania's guy circles the dream of studying medicine

Author:Direct Africa Time:2022.07.12

Richard Guster Enden is from Tanzania. In 2014, he came to Yinchuan, China alone. Because it was autumn at the time, it gave himself a memorable Chinese name: Li Qiu. I hope that he can use medical skills to return his hometown, and since then he has opened a journey of dreaming in China.

Li Qiu said that if a word is used to describe China, it is "open". China not only welcomes the people of all countries to accept different civilizations and culture with a tolerance attitude, but also provides technical and material support to other countries without reservation. As a beneficiary, Li Qiu hopes to serve his family and compatriots in the medical knowledge and medical spirit that can be used in China. (Source: Sahara Vision)

"Directly through Africa"

China -Africa cooperation information

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