Fairy friendship!Sister Sister Sichuan!College life is "full flowering"!

Author:Sichuan University Time:2022.07.12

Li Qing, Jin Lu and Wang Yike,

He is the three girls of Wu Yuzhang College 2018.

They have excellent grades,

It is either professional first or among the best;

They have won many awards,

The national awards of Daocheng and "Challenge Cup" are all included in the bag;

They are enthusiastic and helpful,

Students' jobs such as the squad leader and the person in charge of the Association for Science and Technology


Not only that, they still

From the same college, the same bedroom

best friend

It is a girlfriend who is hoping on weekdays

It is also a "comrade" who is in academic work together

It is also the "family" that accompany each other in life

Li Qing

Basic information: From Heze City, Shandong Province, it is professional for national economic management. For example, the peony in hometown generally wants to break through the academic career.

Grade: Grade first grade, won the honor of first -class scholarships and outstanding students many times; many times participated in academic conference discussions and published papers; participated in the application and ending of multiple provincial and school -level topics, and the team cooperation won the small Pick the honor of province.

Jin Lu

Basic information: from Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, professional is financial engineering. She is willing to practice in practice and extensively internships in investment banks, trusts, funds and other institutions to explore the interest of occupational development. She has also served as vice chairman of the School Science and Technology Association and the deputy association of the Taoli Association.

Grade: I have won the honor of Tanglin Scholarship, Wang Wenguo's innovative talent, and comprehensive first -class scholarships; they are heads of national and provincial -level projects, and they are also the 17th National Picking State, Internet+Provincial Gold, etc. Member of the project.

Wang Yike

Basic information: from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, professional is financial engineering. She has infinite vitality and enthusiasm for life and challenges, and is the most ghost of her friends.

Grade: Senior year of junior year, the first grade, English -speaking, TOEFL has scored a full score in the three subjects, GRE325 points; the title of excellent student and comprehensive scholarship; former deputy minister of Supreme Supreme Supreme Spoken Spoken Spoken Ministry of English.


Volunteable people, appreciate each other

Speaking of the understanding of the three girls, there is a "twists and turns" story.

In the sophomore year, Li Qing and Wang Yike all transferred to the School of Economics, and at the same time became the students of Wu Yuzhang College by replenishing the election. In the academic English writing class of Mr. Zhang Lulu, Wu Yuan, the two who performed well in the classroom met each other and gradually became friends.

Li Qing) and Wang Yike (right)

Before the junior junior, Wang Yike met Jin Lu with the introduction of his classmates due to the opportunity to reorganize the bedroom in the campus.

"At that time, Yi Ke and Li Qing made an appointment to live in a bedroom. They invited me to invite me. The invitation was very sincere. The content made me feel like we like it, so I happily became friends with them." Jin Lu recalled.

Three -person photo

It can be said that the friendship of three people began to "appreciate each other." Wang Yike's infectious smile and "cheerful" personality can often bring happiness to the people around him; excellent self -discipline Li Qing not only has high learning efficiency, but also has delicate thoughts; the first impression "mature, stable and mysteriously mysterious The big guy "Jin Lu is a humorous little girl in private, and her personality is very contrast.

The appreciation and common laughter made the three girls quickly familiar with them. In common learning and life, they gradually became the most interested friends and the strongest backing.


Three different souls, multi -dimensional wonderful

Although the relationship is good, the three girls are "different" in many aspects. It is also these "different" that make them the best friends of each other.

"Our professional directions are different, and they also have different expertise and hobbies, which allows us to learn from each other and promote each other." The three said.

Li Qing is the "academic pioneer" of the three.

In the sophomore year last semester, in the classroom of Teacher Gao Ran's "Finance", Li Qing first gave birth to his interest in academics. "Teacher Gao emphasizes the reading of the paper, and often collects the papers suitable for undergraduates to see it. After reading some papers, I think it is very interesting, so I want to try it myself."

As a result, Li Qing took the pace of academic training early. In the second semester, she began to contact the teacher and write her first academic papers under her guidance.

Teacher Gao Ran's "Finance" classroom thesis sharing

"Teachers told me that choosing academic roads is the persistence of a lifetime. Long -term effort and patience are the prerequisite for good results. The joy of success makes me feel that it is worth spending two or three years." Li Qing said Essence

Today, Li Qing of the senior year has repeatedly attended the Economic Academic Research Conference and successfully published an academic papers. This strengthens her choice and pursuit of academic roads.

Li Qing first) Participate in academic conferences

In the mouth of her classmates, Jin Lu is "the all -around girls of the wind and fire". She balances academics, scientific research, internships, and student work.

In the semester, Jin Lu signed up for the cross -composite plan of Wu Yuzhang College and started to minor the computer major courses.

In order to take into account the study of two majors, Jin Lu became very busy, especially "pain" at the end of the period, but this experience also brought her a lot of gains: "On the one hand, learning computers made me open some new ideas, It can help me solve some problems of this major; on the other hand, the busy life also exercises my ability to work in multi -threaded work. "

Although facing dual academic pressure, the highly sober learning status has kept Jin Lu always maintaining excellent results.

Jin Lu (second right in the first row) participated in the professional study of the summer camp in colleges and universities, Jin Lu was an out -of -the -box "big guy", and she did not fall in internship, student work, and scientific research competition.

During the undergraduate period, Jin Lu has three internship experiences. He has served as deputy minister and chairman of the project management center of the School of Science and Technology Association. The 17th "Challenge Cup" National Competition Special Award ...

In order to balance various affairs, Jin Lushe abandoned many rest time for rest and entertainment. But she said: "This state of life makes me feel happier, I just choose this way of life. I enjoy this enrichment."

Jin Lu (second right in the first row) took a group photo with the members of the School Science and Technology Association

Wang Yike is a dynamic "ghost horse elf", full of interest in challenges, and has been jumping out of his comfort circle.

When I first came into contact with "quantitative finance", Wang Yike was very interested in this challenging direction and embarked on this "few people walking."

In order to supplement her quantitative background, she took many difficulty in mathematical finance core courses; in order to get internship exercise, she taught self -programming and prepared for interviews. To make up for the weakness of scientific research, she went to Guangzhou to participate in the scientific research project of the Laboratory Laboratory of Sun Yat -sen University.

"In fact, when I first faced these challenges, I also had self -doubt, but I learned a lot in each stimulus panic, which made me slowly feel that I could do it."

Wang Yike took a photo with the intern

In daily life, Wang Yike also has a lot of hobbies -dancing, baking, writing ... She is full of interest in many things, always full of vitality, and rich ideas.

"I think people's development should be multi -dimensional, and love and learning are indispensable parts. In addition to studying majors in vertical drilling, I also hope that I can develop horizontally and constantly try what I like."

Wang Yike (the first left of the second row) dance


Cooperate with the sisters, work together to move forward

Regardless of studying or living, Li Qing, Jin Lu and Wang Yike always have a wonderful tacit understanding.

They will grab the first row together, sharing their own review notes, and they will also drive each other to carry out future planning.

In the junior year, in the face of the pressure of further studies, although the goals were busy, although they were busy, they always encouraged each other to share each other's joy and worries.

Three people's small fun between classes

In the process of Baoye, Jin Lu and Wang Yike have entered the summer camp of a top university in China at the same time.

In order to prepare for the interview, they "bubble" libraries together every day to review professional knowledge such as linear algebra and probability statistics from scratch. They also shared their notes and answered them with each other. Essence

During the interview, the two also ordered the adjacent room of the same hotel. "After the interview, we waited silently outside the room. The whole process encouraged each other, and my heart was really moved."

Li Qing's early camp was not smooth. There was no clear whereabouts for a long time. Wang Yike and Jin Lu, who had already got offer at the time, were very considerate of her mood.

Chat records during the Insurance Research period

"They took good care of my emotions during that time. What I said most often was" Come on, it's okay! "It is a simple but powerful word." The motivation.

Finally, in the encouragement of friends, Li Qing waited for his good news and successfully got Xinyi's Baoyan offer.


The best friend, the most beautiful future

For Li Qing, Jin Lu and Wang Yike, they are not only the "comrades" who are struggling together, but also the "family" who accompany each other in daily life.

All three are used to the other party's schedule. They often eat together, go out to play together, and solemnly spend their birthday for everyone.

Shopping together

Celebrate your birthday together

As a dormitory chief, Li Qing's mind is particularly delicate.

When Wang Yike prepared for the GRE in the exam, she peeled a pomegranate of the entire insulation barrel to the self -study classroom; when Wang Yike was trapped in the teaching building late at night, she said nothing about it, and found a way to "rescue" the bike in pajamas; When Wang Yike was not at school, she carefully organized the wardrobe for the two and stacked the clothes in the door ...

"For me, 'friends' is to accompany, that is, someone is waiting for you at home. This feeling is to me and Jin Lu." Li Qing said.

Take a walk together to shoot the sunset

When I was tired for a day, the lights that were on when I went to bed, the card I handed in when I had no money, and the hot water that I helped get back late ... All kinds of ordinary and warm details were like adhesives, making three girls like family members like family members. Rely on each other.

In the water time, the three girls ushered in graduation and differences. From the first meeting to the present relationship, they are all influenced each other and slowly grow up for better themselves.

(Jin Lu): Different personality and different interests collide with different possibilities of life. Whether it is the help of life, learning, or the choice of future development paths, we have established a very healthy relationship in the process of growing up. This relationship prompts us to become better and better together.

(Wang Yike): The three atmospheres of our relationship are very good.We understand each other's thoughts and planning, familiarize with each other's different rhythm pace, and never deliberately maintain anything, but we can always wait for each other and look at each other with a tacit smile when we all reach the next step.(Li Qing): The easiest words, use a few words to express it, thank you, thank you for meeting.In the past, in the past, in the future, there are not many with you, only joy and sorrow.

In the future, Li Qing, Jin Lu, and Wang Yike will go to three top colleges and universities in China.

Li Qing, Jin Lu, Wang Yike and his friends' graduation photos

"It is inevitable that it will be sad, but we believe that this is also a good thing. Everyone is moving towards our goals. We also bless the other party to become better and better."

They agreed: In the future, we must go to the city where the other party is located and continue to accompany each other and influence each other in their studies.

Although they cannot continue to live together intimately, they believe that this friendship will continue.

- END -

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