Dream Winter Olympics, to the future together!

Author:Central University of Finance Time:2022.07.12

In order to vigorously promote the spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics, to publicize and show the moving deeds of the teachers and students of the capital, elementary and middle schools in the capital, to ensure the moving deeds of the Winter Olympics, from July 12th to July 17th, the Ministry of Education's Politics and Political Department, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Education Working Committee, and the Beijing Education Commission of Beijing Hold the online "please rest assured, strong country and me" Beijing education system promotes the preaching of the Beijing Winter Olympics spiritual teacher and students. It will be launched one after another, and the 5th period is launched every day. Please follow and watch it in time!

Wonderful content first! Intersection Intersection Intersection

"The Snowflakes Flying in the Heart"

Marseille, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University

The design of the main torch platform to host the design of the main torch platform has overcome various difficulties such as encountering the air outlet, and leads the team to gradually change from creative concept to reality under the polishing of thousands of grinding, shining in the sun, and shines under the sun. Shenghui shows the concept of winter Olympics in green, humanities, and technology.

"As the person in charge of the Torch Terrace project, I can be deeply relieved and proud of the results of the team for a year."

"Walking Flower"

Teacher Ding Liting of Renmin University of China

As the volunteer manager of the Beijing Winter Olympics Capital Gymnasium, during the Winter Olympics, 929 volunteers were led to successfully complete the volunteer service guarantee work of the first place, and recorded the next volunteer student on the "roster". The name of 616880 hours is with their name. She was affectionately called the volunteer "big family". "I will collect this valuable experience, and continue to accompany the batch of children with affection and use their hearts to be more volunteers, college students, and new Chinese youths in the new era."

"Fight" Flying "

Li Bo, Director of Beijing Jiaotong University Windhole Laboratory

Known as the "Renfeng Ren", he led the team to undergo a large wind debugging system, using wind tunnel technology to help the Olympic athletes of various projects achieve historical achievements, and let the "big snowflakes" inserted with a micr -ray torch used a China in China. The romantic and stunning world.

"We can fight with the athletes, I am honored! I am happy!"

"I make a" combat clothes "for the Winter Olympics"

Liu Li, teacher of Beijing School of Clothing

The short track speed skating "dragon suit", flower skating competition service ... Liu Li, known as "Chinese ice and snow scientists", led the scientific research team to solve the key technologies of the Winter Olympics national team and do a good job of "combat clothes". "Athletes fight on the field to fight for gold and silver; scientific researchers are another kind of hard work under the field, and they are also fighting for gold and silver!"

"One" pigeon "is not less"

Zhang Xiao, the third primary school dance teacher of Zhongguancun

Successfully led 61 children of the three small Jinfan dance troupes in Zhongguancun to become a "Peace Pigeon", standing on the stage of "Snow" performed on the opening ceremony, and interpreting the "beautiful three minutes". "As an educator, on the way to win the glory for the country, we must adhere to a 'pigeon'."

"Guardian of Pure Ice and Snow"

Peking University student Wang Yijie

As volunteers in the field of anti -stimulants in the Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games, in the 24 -hour laboratory, shifts day and night to achieve "zero errors" with the team with the team, and the epidemic prevention and control "zero infection". "The most important thing for stimulants is precise. This is not only related to the career of the athletes, but also the dignity and glory of the country. It is an important guarantee for the fairness of the event."

"From Tiananmen Square to the Winter Olympics battlefield"

Zhao Jianming, a student of Central University of Finance and Economics

Volunteers of the Capital Airport, one of the volunteers standing in the center of the bird's nest. "Standing on the first position of the national gate, keeping the first line of the Winter Olympics epidemic prevention."

"A Journey to the Winter Olympics of a little snowflake"

Jing Yiming, a student of primary school affiliated to Chaoyang Teachers School in Beijing

Rehearsing a hundred days, 6 Chinese lyrics, 11 -year -old teenagers, as a member of the Beijing Philharmonic Choir, sang the theme song "Snowflake" with my friends. "In the 100 days of the Winter Olympics, there are too many memories that we can't forget, we persist, we succeed, I grew up!"

July 13-July 17

25 teachers and students of Beijing, high schools and middle schools in Beijing

Will represent all the capital Winter Olympics volunteers

To promote and convey the spirit of the Winter Olympics

Tell the story behind the Winter Olympics volunteer service

Dedicate their sincere youth vows!

Stay tuned!

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Source: Modern Education News

Edit: Binbin

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