2 blood pressure abnormal signals are scooped out of major arteriitis. Experts: Middle -aged women suddenly be vigilant

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.12

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 12th. It seems simple to have a simple hypertension, but the hidden disease behind it is unexpected. Ms. Shi diagnosed the 3rd level of high blood pressure. When she was hospitalized in the cardiovascular medicine in Wuhan No. 1 Hospital in Wuhan, the doctor took out the "behind -the -scenes black hand" arteriitis based on the two abnormal signals of the blood pressure fluctuations and the asymmetry on both sides of the blood pressure. On the 12th, He Liqun, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the hospital, reminded that for patients with angina pectoris with fewer angina pectoris with less risk factors in young and middle -aged and middle -aged and middle -aged and middle -aged and middle -aged and middle -aged and middle -aged. Wait.

Ms. Shi, 50, suffered from high blood pressure for more than 10 years. Not long ago, she had a angina pectoris, and she lived in the Department of Cardiovascular Department of the First Hospital of Wuhan in Wuhan First Hospital during the activity. The doctor Yi Chunfeng inquired about the medical history and learned that Ms. Shi had severe vascular complications after hypertension. In recent years, the lower left clavicle arteries have stenosis and the encephaloma rupture.

To carefully measure blood pressure for Ms. Shi, Yi Chunfeng found that her blood pressure was very special: the blood pressure fluctuations in normal people in the day of 20-30 mm Hg, and her blood pressure fluctuated as high as 40-60 mm Hg; Both upper limb blood pressure is asymmetric, the difference between the left and right upper limbs is more than 20 mm Hg, and the normal situation is within 5-10 mm Hg. These abnormal information indicates that there are potential causes of the cause and vascular diseases. After communicating with Ms. Shi and their families, Yi Chunfeng decided to further inspect the cause.

Attentive Yi Chunfeng saw that Ms. Shi's right index finger and middle finger joint were deformity, accompanied by obvious facial erythema, hair loss and other phenomena. Considering the possibility of rheumatism -related diseases, subsequent examinations found that she had anti -her own antibodies, her whole body blood vessels, her whole body blood vessels. Damaged, bilateral neck arteries were blocked, multiple arteries were severe stenosis, and coronary stenosis was combined with coronary arteries, as well as myocardial ischemia.

After the consultation of Yang Huiqin, director and chief physician of the Department of Rheumatology, he highly doubted that Ms. Shi was multiple arteritis. According to Yang Huiqin, as a self -immune disease, multiple arteritis is a chronic inflammation. It has no obvious symptoms in early patients. Most patients are discovered by severe organ dysfunction due to severe vascular lesions.

Under the guidance of Yang Huiqin, Ms. Shi further improved the examination of vasculitis and clarified the diagnosis and typing of multiple arteritis. The Department of Vascular Department and Rheumatology and Immunology have repeatedly visited the department, formulating a systematic treatment plan for Ms. Shi. This rare all over the body and severe pathogenesis of its branches made Ms. Shi have serious fear of the future. Dr. Yi Chunfeng repeatedly explained the condition, patiently appeased, and informed the current drugs that could control the progress of the disease. As long as you insist on regular follow -up review. Even if the organ dysfunction occurs, the blood vessel intervention can be performed to treat the severe lesions of the blood vessels, and Ms. Shi will let go of her heart to treat it with peace of mind.

He Liqun reminds the public that daily blood pressure monitoring is very important, blood pressure cannot be too high, and blood pressure fluctuations cannot be too large. When blood pressure is found, it is necessary to improve the etiology of related examinations. Young people, especially female patients, are particularly vigilant when they suddenly have high blood pressure. (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Zhang Mengshi Lingling)

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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