The civil servant even stole a public toilet air conditioner to send his mother -in -law, and the Korean media was shocked ...

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.12

Korean media: Is there such a civil servant in the world?

According to a report from South Korea's SBS TV station on the 12th, a civil servant in Shucao City, South Korea was suspected of theft of public toilet air conditioners and installed it at the mother -in -law's house for it. This news has attracted widespread attention in South Korea. SBS commented on this: "Is there such a civil servant in the world?"

South Korean SBS TV report screenshot: South Korean city government civil servants steal public toilet air conditioners for their mother -in -law's house

It is reported that A, a civil servant of the science of Shucao City, was suspected of stealing air -conditioning and outdoor machines in a public toilet in a public bathroom near a fresh market in Gaocheng County on June 30. And the also -level civil servant B, a section chief, was suspected of using the city government's official vehicles to help A from carrying a stolen air conditioner. At present, the Jiangyuan Gaocheng Police Department is investigating the two civil servants involved in the Cao Cao Municipal Government with suspected special theft.

It is reported that the main criminal A said in an investigation by the police that "wants (the air conditioner) is given to the old man who lives alone." But the stolen air conditioner was actually installed in a mother -in -law's house. SBS said that A's mother -in -law's family is not a vulnerable group of poor life. After the police planned to conduct further investigations on people involved in A, they decided to transfer it to the procuratorial organs.

According to reports, the two civil servants have been suspended on the two civil servants.

Once the news was released on the morning of the 12th, it attracted the attention and discussion of many Korean netizens, and became the first news of SBS's real -time hits that day. South Korean netizens have expressed their views under reporting.

Some Korean netizens said, "If you have stolen this extent, should he investigate whether he has corrupted public funds when he is in the office. Although he is suspended, willn't such people be hired after the storm, should he immediately detain him immediately And dismissal dismissal. "↓

Another netizen satirical: "Wow! But it is really impossible to imagine! Even public toilets (air conditioners) were stolen, and I do n’t want me. How serious is this beggar nature? Haha." ↓ ↓

Some people ridiculed: "How much do you look down on your mother -in -law's house and send the air conditioner in the public toilet." ↓

Source: Global Network

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