"Pay tribute to workers at high temperatures" public welfare operations start now

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.12

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 12 (Reporter Hu Lijun Correspondent Feng Qijun) Wuhan is about to enter, and the high -temperature weather that has been opened will continue. Key project construction sites, traffic police duty positions, sanitation work site, express delivery, air -conditioning installation, power maintenance ... In this city, there are too many workers who stick to their posts at high temperatures, sweating for the beautiful home for us to live together.

From now on, the Yangtze River Daily and Wuhan Federation of Trade Unions launched the "Building a Hero City · Tribute to the workers under high temperature" to send Qingliang public welfare operations. Give up condolences and send a coolness to workers at high temperatures.

High -temperature condolences in 2021. Profile picture reporter Hu Lijun

"Pay tribute to workers at high temperatures" public welfare operations have been carried out for 4 consecutive years, of which in August 2021, "Sending Cool Wars and Epidemic Summer" -Sevilies to pay tribute to the heroic event at high temperatures, raised 200,000 yuan of supplies within a week, and condolences to 13 The front -line epidemic prevention and control personnel and duty personnel of the streets and 30 communities.

This year's delivery of cool public welfare operations, the organizer will jointly work with volunteers and love companies to go to the site of the post at high temperatures, send cool and condolences; Outdoor workers, sanitation workers and other outdoor workers, courier, takeaway and other new format employment groups are presented to heatstroke and cooling materials.

When building a hero city, many workers sweat in different positions and use the meaning of interpretation of labor. The Yangtze River Daily Changjiang Public Welfare solicited activities of volunteers and caring companies to experience these high temperatures. At the same time, love companies are welcome to send cool materials to workers and spread positive social energy.

How to participate and volunteer participation in caring units:

1. Pay attention to the "Yangtze River Public Welfare" WeChat public account and leave a message.

2. Wuhan Youth Development Foundation: 85499902.

3. Wuhan Charity Federation: 85729696.

【Edit: Wang Yujin】

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