East China ’s first offline physical store“ settled ”Nanjing Hexi Central Business District

Author:Intersection Time:2022.07.12

Whether it is personal entertainment, a friend's party or family entertainment, what is the most "tide" way now? Put on a helmet, hold the handle, and "swim" in the world of VR! On July 9th, PICO, the first offline physical store in East China, was officially opened in Huagai Tiandi, Jianye District, Nanjing. This is another vivid practice of Nanjing Hexi Central Business District (hereinafter referred to as "Hexi CBD") through continuous improvement of the commercial layout and aiming at the forefront of the most at the forefront, actively creating the Yuantong "top -flow business district".

East China's first store "settled"

VR all -in -one machine drives new consumption of young people

"Can this be used on station B? What is the current price?" At 10:30 am on July 9th, Wang Feng and his family were attracted by the newly opened PICO when visiting the mall. After a brief question, he bought a Pico NEO 3 VR all -in -one. He told reporters that he had learned about the best brand in China on the Internet. I have been hesitating to buy it online. I did not expect to encounter the opening of offline physical stores. After some trials, I felt good and immediately bought it.

As a senior VR, Guo Rui, 26, has been purchased for the third time. "A few years ago, I bought one out of Fresh Curiosity. At that time, the technology was not good now. Later, I bought another PICO. This time, I bought the all -in -one machine for friends." Guo Rui told reporters. At the same time, he also said that the bottom technology of VR is now more mature. The resolution of the head display screen has doubled compared to three years ago, and technologies such as wireless technology, tracking, and gaze point rendering have also improved a lot. In terms of content, there are everything from games to popular science, space, and animation, which is very rich.

The relevant person in charge said that the content mall of Pico NEO 3 has gathered more than 160 playable content, including VR fitness, VR viewing, VR cloud travel tour, etc., which are very popular with young people. In order to allow everyone to have a better sense of experience, it is specially operated offline physical stores in East China for the first time.

Create Yuantong's "top flow business district"

Actively develop diversification, experience, and immersive business model

VR all -in -one sales are just a microcosm of new consumption of young people in the digital age. In order to better meet and release new consumer needs, Hexi CBD continues to produce "real moves" and put "big moves" to actively build Yuantong's "top -flow business district". The Yuantong Business District is centered on the intersection of Jiangdong Middle Road and Hexi Avenue. The core area is about 1.2 square kilometers. Commercial complexes such as centers.

Since last year, in accordance with the deployment of the 15th Party Congress of Nanjing, Hexi CBD has accelerated the upgrade and upgrading of the Yuanchang Business District. Focusing on the construction of Nanjing top luxury consumer consumer centers, urban cultural centers, trend activity centers, night economic consumer centers, quality life service centers, and building a characteristic business system, special planning and preparation. At the same time, it has issued special policies for high -end service industry such as finance, commerce and commerce, promotes the integration of cultural and sports tourism exhibitors, and expands the radiation scope of the business district.

The relevant person in charge said that the next step will be accelerated to the "Yuanchang Trade Circle Plan", adhere to the role of activation of local consumption and attracting foreign consumption, and at the same time meet the consumer needs of high net worth individuals and community residents. In terms of commercial architecture, it will actively develop diversification, experience, and immersive business models to create a "one -carrier, one characteristic, one format, one brand" architecture layout. Recruit brand membership stores, theme concept stores, and personal customized stores to open "first stores" and first new products to form a "first store" economic gathering area. Vigorously develop "store broadcast" and activate the "cloud" market. Increase the proportion of leisure and cultural formats and attract new trendy groups.

In addition, the public transportation system will be given priority, combined with the transformation of Metro Yuantong Station, and establishing an interconnected underground commercial space to achieve the convenience and smoothness of "traffic organization+people flowing line". In terms of industrial linkage, the advantages of giving full play to the advantages of high financial agglomeration, the developed information software industry, and the abundance of exhibition resources to promote the integration and development of industries, business, and cultural tourism.

Give full play to the advantages of digital economy, blockchain technology

Create the core area of ​​the international urban center and the important financial center gathering area

It is reported that Hexi CBD adheres to the development orientation of high -end industries with modern service industry as its main body. By implementing innovation -driven and talent strategies, it will accelerate the construction of the core area of ​​the Nanjing Modern International City Center and the core cluster of important financial centers, forming a leading modern finance leading The industrial system, which is a coordinated development of modern service industries including digital economy, sports tourism, business exhibitions and laws, accounting, consulting and other intermediaries, has continued to expand its economic scale, and the number of enterprises in enterprises has continued to rise. From 2017 to 2021, the general public budget revenue of Hexi CBD increased from 1.453 billion yuan to 6.318 billion yuan. From January to May 2022, the general budget revenue was completed about 3.19 billion yuan, achieving rapid growth. Industrial agglomeration allows digital innovation companies such as fintech and artificial intelligence to grow in CBD in Hexi. Data show that there are currently more than 200 technology companies in the park, and 15 of which have annual operating income of more than 20 million yuan. As of the end of 2021, there were 76 high -tech enterprises and 69 high -level talents. The park involves 16 trade units in e -commerce sales business, and in 2021, the online retail sales were 740 million yuan.

According to the plan, by 2024, the park will be basically built with financial, sports, sports, business exhibitions and legal, accounting, and consulting intermediary services. Form more high -end and emerging format distribution. The overall economy has been greatly improved, and its comprehensive strength has been significantly enhanced. The modern international city center area and important financial center agglomeration area with financial and headquarters economy as the leader.

Xinhua Daily · Jiaojiao Reporter Li Shuang Chen Yingying/Wen Zhao Yu/Video

Part of the picture is provided by the central business district of Nanjing Hexi

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