"Good Book Recommendation" conforms to the historical perspective of the trend of the times -evaluating the report literature "I love China in my life"

Author:Chang'an Street Reading Club Time:2022.07.12

The historical vision of conforming to the trend of the times -commenting on the literature "I love China in my life"

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Tan Kai's report literature "I love China in my lifetime: The Story of Isabeth Crook" (Published in April 2022), two elements on the cover are particularly eye -catching: one is Isaabeth Kloke Photo. I saw her tall, silver hair, pioneering eyes, and a wrinkled face with a smile, which was dear and respectable. Another element is seven characters "I love China for a lifetime". The layout of the two elements is together, forming the power of stimulating people: an international friend who loves China with a lifetime!

Isabeth's "love China in his life" is first because her life experience is closely connected to China. She is Canadians, but she was born in China, grown in China, home in China, working in China, and even her personal taste buds. From Fenghua Zhengmao to silver silk, she witnessed and participated in the advancement of the Chinese revolution, the establishment of the Chinese revolution, the founding of the New China, and the construction of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics. China is with her life, carrying her affection, love, nostalgia, and friendship, and carrying her life nodes. From the perspective of emotion, she loves China to have a natural foundation. Her life is inseparable from China. Essence

Isabeth "loves China in his life" is also closely linked to China because of her political ideals. Isabeth has an intuitive understanding of Chinese society, and has close contact with the people. She sympathize with the working people. Especially after graduating from college to return to China to start anthropological research, after conducting in -depth investigations and research on Sichuan Hanyuan, Lixian, Chongqing Laoshan and other places, she deepened her understanding of Chinese society. Here, they practiced the political ideals of communists around the world, formed a combat friendship with many Chinese Communists, became friends, and jointly contributed to the establishment and construction of New China.

Isbeth's "loves China in his life" is also closely linked to China because of her life value. Is China studying the place of human scientists or the starting point and cultivation place of her foreign language teaching. She later taught at Beijing University of Foreign Languages ​​and was one of the founders of New China's foreign language education. Talent. On the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, 104 -year -old Isbeth was awarded the "Friendship Medal" of the People's Republic of China.

Reading this book, not only finds the answer to why an international friend loves China, but the historical scroll shown in the book has attracted the attention of my modern history researcher in China. The life of Isabeth is synchronized with modern and contemporary history in China. Her personal experience has been incorporated into this profound historical change. After the 1911 Revolution, the Sichuan local warlord cutting, the rear of Chengdu and Chongqing during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the old liberation zone during the Liberation War, the political, economic, and diplomatic after the founding of the New China ... All of these are closely related to the life of Isabeth. Isbeth is a witness and participant of history. The history presented in the book made me emotion: Looking at the life of Isabeth, it is also the history of modern and contemporary China. These history are reflected in different side shadows, both historical backgrounds, historical processes, historical geography, historical style, and many historical figures and historical details. Clear or blurred silhouettes, and some are exquisite high -definition enlarged pictures and shadows. Especially the key nodes of Isabeth's life, the author does not hesitate to write in and ink: for example, as an anthropologist, Isabeth surveys in Basha, Sichuan Richard, Chongqing Laoshan Xinglong Field, and other places; In the process of founding and developing the Central Foreign School, the Pioneer's Isabeth was developed into the Beijing Foreign Studies University. The local and interaction of everyone, and everything I did, mobilized the historical information stored in my mind, triggering my association, and letting me pass through the historical space -time, listening to history, and seeing history. The history of a person is inseparable from the age of where he is. In the life of Isabeth, he breathed with China and shared his fate. "Every choice is China". This is not only her vivid display of her love in China, but also her proof of identifying the Communist Party of China as an international communist warrior. She saw, experienced, experienced, and participated in the development process of the Chinese people from standing up to rich to strong, and fully proved her historical vision that she had in accordance with the trend of the times. She reflects the torrent of history and the trend of the times ... The people and things in the world are constantly changing, which has formed a history from ancient times to the present, and at the same time, it also left valuable wealth and endless reveries for future generations. The story of Isabeth and China is such a valuable wealth. Mr. Tan Kai's book, I believe that more people can know how to cherish such wealth and benefit from it.

Jiang Hongying



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