The total scale of national highway network planning is about 461,000 kilometers.

Author:China Urban News Time:2022.07.12

Today, the reporter learned from the press conference of the National Development and Reform Commission that the National Highway Network Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Transport, pointed out that the total scale of national highway network planning is about 461,000 Komem, about 162,000 kilometers of the national highway (including about 8,000 kilometers including the vision of the vision), and about 299,000 kilometers of ordinary national highway.

The "Planning" clearly states that by 2035, it will basically build a high -quality national highway network with a wide range of coverage, complete functional, intensive, green intelligence, safe and reliable, and safe and reliable. By 2050, a world -class national highway network is built at a high level, which is matched with a modern and high -quality country comprehensive three -dimensional transportation network. It is necessary to adapt to strongly support the establishment of a modern economic system and a socialist modern power.

The "Planning" requires that the integrated coordination of cross -departments, cross -regional, and cross -industry integration should be strengthened, the centralized linkage and policy coordination are strengthened, and the planning and implementation of the plan is co -organized. Strengthen the connection with related plans such as land and space, and accelerate the processing procedures for the construction procedures such as sea forests, environmental impact assessments, and soil and water conservation for the construction of national highway land in accordance with the law, and provide policy and factor support for the implementation of planning projects. Reform and innovate investment and financing policies, and further improve multi -channel, multi -level, and diversified investment and financing models. Implement the power and responsibilities of governments at all levels in highway construction, operation, maintenance, and management, and improve the quality of road maintenance and operation management.

Reporter: Ye Zhonghua

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