Look at the food name!See if you have your hometown taste

Author:Yangtze River Time:2022.07.12

Changjiang Net News (Reporter Wang Weiqi) snail powder, stingy prawns, prince tofu, five -color glutinous rice ... There is always such a cuisine, which makes people think of hometown. When you are in the Yangtze River Mini Program "Yangtze Headline" topic#当 当 当 当#, see these food pictures, where do you think of?

Snail powder. Netizens' "Customs Photo" Picture Conferring

Fried Shrimps. Netizens "precipitate" pictures

Prince Tofu. Netizen "Early Mist" Pictures

Five -color glutinous rice. Netizen "Jue Xia" Pictures

Since July 4th Wuhan Information Communication Vocational and Technical College and the National Key News Network Changjiang.com opened the Taste Challenge, netizens from all over the country have exposed their hometown cuisine.

"Only the talents who have eaten understand." On July 11, netizen "Beichuan 511" shared the pictures of Enshi's small potatoes. She loved this hometown cuisine very much. The entrance was crispy and the filling was soft and sweet.

Enshi small potatoes. Netizen "Beichuan 511" Pictures

The netizen "Beichuan 511" is named Deng Yang. He is a student of the Wuhan Academy of Information Communication Vocational and Technical College. After the summer vacation, Deng Yang returned home to eat the first cuisine, which is the potato rice made by the mother.

"Eating a potatoes in my hometown has an inexplicable sense of happiness." Deng Yang told the Yangtze River reporter that the potato rice made by the mother is very simple. Put the potatoes on the bottom of the pot, put the rice on it, sprinkle with salt, a delicious flavor Hometown food is made.

The potato rice made by Deng Yang's mother. Deng Yang's picture

As an Enshi who studied in Wuhan, Deng Yang hopes to share food pictures through the "Yangtze River Headline" to let the villagers who develop in the country see the taste of their hometown and pin their hometown.

The hometown of netizens' hometown in Zhoukou City, Henan Province, many netizens on the "Yangtze River Headline" shared Henan cuisine such as Hu spicy soup, hot and sour noodles, and noodles. play.

Soup with Pepper. Netizen "One" picture confession

"The taste of beef noodles is spicy and twice, the taste is delicious, the taste is long, and the long -term food is not greasy." The netizen "Shu Jing's little fan girl" used the beautiful picture of Xiangyang beef noodles to invite netizens from all over the world to come to Xiangyang, Hubei While tasting delicious beef noodles, appreciate Xiangyang's humanistic scenery.

Xiangyang beef noodles. Netizen "Shu Jing's Little Fan Girl" Pictures

Give you a chance to share your hometown taste and unforgettable memories with netizens across the country. Scan the QR code below, participate in the "Yangtze Headline" topic of the Yangtze River Network#家#, Changjiang.com will select 30 "most creative awards" and 30 "most creative awards" and 30 " Welcome Award.

【Edit: Zhu Xidong】

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