Important release!Cancel!It's related to the city!

Author:Rizhao News Network Time:2022.07.12

July 12

National Development and Reform Commission released

Notice on printing and issuing the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Implementation Plan

Comprehensively cancel the restrictions on the settlement of cities with a permanent population of less than 3 million in urban areas

(Click on the picture to view the full text)

During the interpretation of the relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission, the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period will deepen the reform of the household registration system, let go of the restrictions on the settlement of the settlement outside the individual large cities, and the cities' adaptation of local conditions to promote the agricultural transfer population in cities and towns. The city is settled and has the same rights and the same obligation as the urban residents.

In the past ten years, with the joint efforts of all parties, my country's new urbanization construction has achieved a series of major historic achievements. 130 million agricultural transfer population and other resident population settled in urban and towns. The citizens of the agricultural transfer population have achieved remarkable results, and the urbanized space layout continues to optimize. By the end of 2021, the urbanization rate of the permanent population across the country reached 64.72%, and the urbanization rate of the household registration population increased to 46.7%, and the income ratio of urban and rural residents fell to 2.5. Modern countries provide strong motivation and solid support.

During the "14th Five -Year Plan" period, my country is still in the rapid development of urbanization, and the motivation of urbanization is still strong. At the same time, the quality of urbanization needs to be further enhanced, and the challenges of opportunities and problems facing urbanization development coexist.

为推动“十四五”时期推进新型城镇化的政策导向有效落地,《实施方案》提出到2025年,全国常住人口城镇化率稳步提高,户籍人口城镇化率明显提高,户籍人口城镇化率与The gap between the urbanization rate of permanent population has narrowed significantly. The quality of agricultural transfer population has significantly improved, and all the basic public services of urban and towns have not settled in the permanent population.

Agricultural transfer population citizenization is the primary task of new urbanization. The relevant person in charge said that during the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, we must adhere to the preference of stocks, drive increment, and focus on improving the quality of citizenization of agricultural transfer. Specifically-

Deepen the reform of the household registration system

Let go of the restrictions on settlement outside the large cities, and try to register the hukou system with frequent residence.

The restrictions on the settlement of cities with a permanent population of less than 3 million in urban areas are fully eliminated to ensure that the domestic and local agricultural transfer population enters the city and settle in the city.

Comprehensively relax the conditions for settlement of Type I with a permanent population of 3 million to 5 million in urban areas.

Improve the oversized cities with more than 5 million resident population in urban areas to settle in the large -scale cities, streamline points projects, ensure that social insurance payments and residence period scores accounted for the main proportion, and encouraged the cancellation of annual settlement quota restrictions.

The cities should formulate specific settlement measures according to local conditions to promote the agricultural transfer population in urban stable employment and life to settle in the city, and enjoy the same rights as urban residents and fulfill their obligations.

Improve the national open and unified household registration management government service platform, and improve the convenience of household registration and migration.

In accordance with the law, the rural land contracting rights, the right to use of the homestead, and the distribution right of the collective income of farmers who enter the city and settle in the city will improve the market -oriented withdrawal mechanism and supporting policies of farmers.

Improve the mechanism for providing basic public services in urban and towns

Establish a mechanism for basic public services to be linked to the permanent population and supplies from the place of residence, and explore the implementation of the implementation of the electronic residence permit.

Improve agricultural transfer population labor skills quality

Focus on industries and new formats with outstanding contradictions in labor, and continue to carry out vocational skills training for new generation of migrant workers. Explore electronic training vouchers for the qualified migrant workers through social security cards.

Strengthen the basic public education guarantee for children with relocated children

The public schools are mainly included in the scope of the compulsory education guarantee of the relocated children in the place of compulsory, and the number of teachers' preparation quotas is adjusted according to the population flow, and the degree supply of degrees in the compulsory education stage of urban compulsory education will be increased.

Consolidate and improve the overall level of social insurance and the coverage of insurance participation

Steady to promote the overall planning of basic pension insurance, do basic medical insurance cities and promote the overall planning of the provincial level, and gradually let go of the residents' household registration restrictions on social insurance at the place of resident or employment.

Strengthen the protection of migrant workers' labor rights and interests

Gradually eliminate unreasonable restrictions on gender, household registration, identity and other types of influence or employment discrimination, and establish a guarantee mechanism for the labor rights and interests of workers in the new employment form.

Improve agricultural transfer of citizenship supporting policies

The central government and provincial finances support the regions with many regions with many people in the provincial and cross -area agriculture. The preparation and revision of the planning of land and space at all levels fully considers the size of the population scale, especially the number of people entering the city, and reasonably arrange the scale of new construction land in cities and towns.

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