Nanjing's second round of soil auction has taken 72.7 billion yuan in housing companies actively "stocking" market confidence is gradually repairing

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.12

Our reporter Cao Weixin on July 12, Nanjing ushered in the second round of soil shooting in 2022. The results of the auctions show that 44 plots of the concentrated listed this time were successfully sold 42, with a total of 72.7 billion yuan. From the perspective of land acquisition objects, the development of Poly, Qixia Construction, Nanjing Hi -Tech, and Phoenix shares of listed real estate companies have won. Chen Xiao, a senior analyst at the Zhuge Housing Data Research Center, told the "Securities Daily" reporter: "It is undeniable that compared with the first round of soil shooting, the popularity of the two rounds of soil auction in Nanjing has increased significantly. From the perspective of Suzhou, Hangzhou and other cities such as wheel soil, the performance of the soil shots in Nanjing is also quite bright. Hangzhou's two -wheeled soil shot is not as high as the first round of the first round, and Suzhou soil auction also performs mediocre. It can be described as a breakthrough, with an average premium level of more than 8%, which is higher than Hangzhou and Suzhou. "A total of 42 plots of 72.7 billion yuan in Nanjing's second round of soil auctions were hung out of 44 plots, involving Hexi, Baijiahu, and Lakes, and Lakes. The southern new city, Yanziji, Xianlin Lake and other sectors, the transfer area exceeds 2 million square meters, which is doubled from the first round of soil shooting in 2022, and the starting price is 77.58 billion yuan. Compared with the past, this round of soil auction policy is relatively loose. Of the 44 plots, 31 plots continued to implement the policy of "limited house prices, fixed quality, and land prices", and 13 plots implemented a policy of "differentiated housing prices and reporting according to procedures", that is, there is no settlement when transferring to transfer. The price limit is limited to the price. After the development of the development enterprise is completed, it will report to the relevant departments for review. This move has more space for future land acquisition companies to create high -quality real estate. According to the results of the auction, 42 plots were successfully transferred, of which 31 were transactions, 5 touches, 6 premium transactions, and 2 streams, a total of 72.7 billion yuan. Four of the five plots of the top -to -top number are located in Hexi, and one is located in Baijia Lake, Jiangning. At present, the five block winners have not been determined, and will be shaken on July 13. "All the four houses in Hexi can be said to be expected. Among them, the G29 plot of the southwest of Hexi has not set up a limited price, and the floor price is 39964 yuan/square meter. Improved the market, and it may be built into another top luxury mansion in Hexi in the future. At the same time, there is also a Baijiahu plot. The total price is 1.75 billion yuan. The favored sector, and the residential project is scarce, "Chen Xiao told reporters. Talking about the current round of soil shooting in Nanjing, Chen Xiao said, "On the whole, Nanjing's soil auction still shows the characteristics of uneven hot and cold, superior geographical location, high -quality resource gathering of urban resources, and scarce land projects. Forces. "A number of listed real estate companies actively" stocking "on the evening of July 12, the A -share listed company Qixia Construction announced that the company's online listing of the state -owned land use rights held by the Nanjing Planning and Natural Resources Bureau ( The second batch of concentrated land supply was concentrated), and the G33 plot, G35 plot, and G37 plot were rated with 2.3 billion yuan, 2.13 billion yuan, and 640 million yuan, respectively. On the evening of the same day, Nanjing Hi -Tech and Phoenix Co., Ltd. also announced that the company's wholly -owned subsidiaries won the relevant plots in the second round of soil auction in Nanjing. "Housing companies generally consider increasing land reserves according to their own development cycle and capital capabilities. Of course, it is inevitable to consider the color problem of the land. According to the plan, we will continue to obtain land in the future." May the famous real estate executives told reporters. From the perspective of land -winning enterprises, this round of soil is mainly based on state -owned enterprises and state -owned enterprises, and some private enterprises have participated in the auction. As of now, the top ranking of land acquisition is Poly Development, Nanjing Anju, Qixia Construction, and Jinji Holdings. As a local private housing enterprise deeply cultivated in Nanjing, Jinji Holdings won a total of three plots (including joint landing). "From the perspective of the recent cities that are held in soil auction, the phenomenon of state -owned state -owned enterprises is still common for the main force of land acquisition. At present, the pressure of the industry's liquidity is still exists, especially for private enterprises, it is still facing a lot of debt repayment pressure. The situation of the shortage of cash flow still exists. In this case, the country and central enterprise support can play a good demonstration role. "Chen Xiao told reporters. Chen Xiao analyzed, "From the perspective of Nanjing soil auction in this round, although the land from state -owned enterprises still occupy the mainstream, compared with other cities, private enterprises have also increased, especially local real estate companies and those who deeply cultivate Nanjing. Enterprises, the performance of land acquisition is relatively positive, which also reflects that the market confidence is gradually repairing. "

Picture | Site Cool Hero Bao Map Network Review | Editor Li Chunlian | Bai Baoyu Final Audit | Dong Shaopeng

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