Notice of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters [2022] No. 21

Author:Tancheng District Rong Media C Time:2022.07.12

New Crown Pneumonia in Zhangzhou City, Zhangzhou City

Prevention and control work headquarters notice

[2022] No. 21

On July 12, 2022, Laocheng District found a new crown virus -positive infection at a centralized isolation point.After consultation with the municipal expert group, it was determined to be asymptomatic infected (asymptomatic infected 10), and it has been transferred to a designated hospital for quarantine observation.As of 20:00 on July 12, a total of 1 confirmed cases and 10 asymptomatic infections were reported.

I would like to remind the masses to further improve the awareness of prevention, pay attention to their own health, do a good job of personal protection, standardize wearing masks, and maintain a safe social distance.If fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue and other symptoms occur, immediately go to the clinic for diagnosis and treatment, and wear a disposable medical mask and the above -class mask for medical treatment.

New coronary virus infection in Tancheng District, Zhangzhou City

Pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work headquarters

July 12, 2022

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