Selling government consumer coupons?Detention + fine

Author:Shanxi Evening News Time:2022.06.14

The illegal and criminal act of using government consumer vouchers in violation of regulations not only destroy the market economy order, disturb the consumer environment, but also leads to great discounts on government policy effects. On June 13, the Public Security Bureau of Taiyuan City posted information to the society. The police investigated and dealt with a case of government consumer coupons and arrested Zhao, a suspect illegal suspect. At present, the police have paid administrative detention for 15 days and a fine of 500 yuan.

On June 12, the small shop police station of the Taiyuan Public Security Bureau Branch investigated and dealt with a case of selling government consumer coupons together, arrested Zhao, an illegal suspect.经查:违法嫌疑人赵某(男,35岁,河曲县人,无业,平时以帮人充话费获取报酬为生)于2022年5月29日至6月11日,通过组建微信群,以The price of 1.5 % to 4.5 % off was acquired government consumer coupons, and then sold through WeChat, which made more than 3,000 yuan from it (all of them have splurked). According to Article 52 of the "Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China", Zhao's behavior seriously disrupted the market economy order and constituted a price ticket. Penalty.

The Taiyuan police reminded the general public that government consumer coupons are essentially a price ticket, and the government issue consumer coupons to consumers in order to stimulate consumption and is of great significance to boost economic development. The government can buy the goods they need through a more favorable price through "conducive to the people", and merchants can also expand sales, revitalize the consumer market, and release market potential. The illegal and criminal act of using government consumer coupons not only destroyed the market economy order and disrupted the consumer environment, but also caused government policy effects to greatly discount, causing economic losses to local governments, enterprises and consumers. For consumer vouchers, false transactions to implement consumer coupons, grab consumer coupons, use social software, online platforms, etc. to publish and spread consumer coupons and other illegal acts. Taiyuan Police will fight according to law. Actions such as profit, a lot of malicious cash cash will be severely hit. It is hoped that the general public will follow the discipline and abide by the law, use government consumer coupons normally, jointly maintain the market economy order, and create a good consumer environment.

Writing: Shanxi Evening News all -media reporter Xin Ge

Editor: Shanxi Evening News all -media editor Yan Ting

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