[Municipal Social Governance Modernization] Baichun Garden Street holds a summer vacation anti -drowning work promotion meeting

Author:Daxiang Rong Media Time:2022.07.12

Daxiang Rong Media (Correspondent Ding Zhijun) Drowning is the first killer to cause adolescents and children. If the weather gradually becomes hot today, drowning will enter the high incidence season. In order to promote drowning work in young children and ensure the safety of young children, on the afternoon of July 12, Baichunyuan Street held a summer vacation prevention work promotion meeting. All members of the party and government leaders of the streets and the main departments and communities attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of the superiors on preventing the drowning work conference of minors, and arranged the deployment of drowning work in the summer vacation of minors in the streets. The participants reported in detail the implementation of the previous period of anti -drowning work according to their own functions and responsibilities.

The meeting requested that all departments and communities should attach great importance to their ideas and responsibilities. It is necessary to further strengthen publicity and education, work together with the school, cooperate closely, strengthen the propaganda of anti -drowning knowledge, use WeChat group, banner slogan, mobile phone text message, large speaker, promotional bar, setting up warning signs, promotional cars, issuing parents one to parents Widely propagate the knowledge of anti -drowning and other forms and channels such as sealing letter, build the people's safety defense line, enhance the awareness of drowning of minors and their parents, and actively connect all primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in their jurisdictions to sign defense with students and parents. The drowning commitment should be refined in the measures; we must continue to do a good job of investigation of hidden dangers, comprehensively arranges the rivers, reservoirs, and mountain ponds in the jurisdiction. Set yellow cordon, protective fence and other facilities in the dangerous areas, equipped with suitable drowning anti -anti -rescue tools such as life rims, ropes, or bamboo poles, and replace the dilapidated damaged drowning police signs and guardrails. , Floating life stretcher, life jackets, life -saving circle and other equipment. And use community grid members, volunteers and other forces, strengthen daily inspections and patrol density and frequency, and timely persuade to discourage the swimmers and water players in a timely manner to be persistent. It is necessary to further strengthen supervision, requiring the street unions, women's federations, the heads of the Communist Youth League, and teachers of primary and secondary schools and kindergarten teachers in the districts to do a good job of communicating with students of students, and key groups such as left -behind children, single -parent families and children of migrant workers entering the city. Regular follow -up to ensure that the anti -drowning work is implemented.

Time: 2022-07-12

Author: Ding Zhijun

Source: Baichunyuan Street Office

First trial: Feng Liyu

Second trial: Hu Xiaojian

Final trial: Zhang Haibo

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