"5.29 Member Activity Day" "I Love My Family -Happiness Moment" solicitation activity (21)

Author:China Family Planning Associat Time:2022.07.13

@爱 我: "I love my house -happy moment" image solicitation activity starts! Click to understand the activity details

During the "Member Activity Day" of the National Family Planning Association, in order to further publicize the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Optimizing the Breeding Policies to Promote the Balanced Population Balanced Development", it advocates the establishment of a new type of wedding and childbearing. The "Happiness Moment" image collection activity of the "happy time" series of activities. Let's take a look together, those happy moments of healing ~

"I love my house -happy moment" solicitation activity

(twenty one)

"Happiness in the Photo" a family portrait, a warm and happy smile, the family sat around, a red heart towards the party! —— Investment: Yu Chunyan, Qixing District Office of Qixing District, Guilin City, Guangxi, Sanlian Family Planning Association of Qixing Street Office

The most precious thing about "Be quiet" is the good time of the family with peace of mind. —— Submission: Wei Hao Shandong Zibo City Family Planning Association

"Being Love and Love" You and I love each other is a god -giving good fate, a natural pair! —— Submission: Yan Cha Ming Jiangxi Ji'an Taihe County People's Government Service Center

"Growth time, please slow down" time will be old. Only dreams are long. Remember to take your dreams in the future journey. It will empower your advance. Want to be slower, and love you a little more. —— Investment: Fan Liming Family Planning Association, Changshan County, Zhejiang Province

"Ding Ding and Lingling's Super Daddy" He is the backbone of the little family, and the super -grandma of the dragon and phoenix. The child's father gave us love and time. —— Contribution: Lisa Saisha, Shanghai Chongming District, a new town

Source: Local Family Planning Association

Submit mailbox: [email protected]

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