Crossing red lights, not wearing helmets, illegal people ... These traffic are exposed!

Author:Harbin Daily Time:2022.07.13

Electric vehicles and motorcycles running red lights, illegal people, and no safety helmets and other illegal acts have laid a great hidden danger for traffic accidents. Recently, the traffic police department of the Harbin City has continued to carry out a combination of traffic in traffic, and strengthened the exposure and rectification of electric vehicle motorcycle traffic violations. On the 12th, more than 1,200 non -motorized vehicles were investigated and dealt with, and more than 50 electric vehicles and Hong Kong -field vehicles were detained.

On the morning of the 12th, the traffic police Gu Xiang Brigade carried out duty work around the sixth avenue of Qunli. At 9:40, the traffic police found that an electric vehicle was interspersed back and forth in the motorway. The driver had not worn a safety helmet. The police immediately stopped the vehicle and guided it to the roadside. The traffic police criticized the driver and told him to drive an electric car to take the non -motorized lane on the right side of the road and wear a safety helmet. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the traffic police punished the driver with a fine of 50 yuan. Subsequently, the traffic police department investigated and dealt with a number of illegal electric vehicles that did not drive in accordance with the regulations and did not wear safety helmets.

Twenty minutes later, the traffic police saw a woman driving a three -wheeled motorcycle on the left side of the left lane under the bridge of Yangming Beach, and did not wear a safety helmet. The traffic police stopped the vehicle and found that the driver of the vehicle was suspected of driving unlicensed driving unlicensed motorcycles on the road and driving a motorcycle. The driver will face further fines.

At 10:30, the two electric vehicles rushed through the red light through Yangming Beach, accelerated passing at the intersection, and rushed with the motor vehicle next to the motor vehicle. The traffic police immediately took the driver to a safe area. One of them said that the signal light was not noticed when riding a bike. Seeing that he had some distance from the motor vehicle, he wanted to pass it quickly. The police then strictly criticized and educated their illegal acts and punished a fine of 50 yuan.

At 10:30, a man was driving on a shared electric car, a little girl was carrying a small girl, and neither of them wore a safety helmet. The traffic police immediately stopped the man and criticized him. The man also recognized the danger of behavior, saying that he must pay attention next time, and take his daughter to return the car to return.

Source: Bingcheng+Client

Hao Shuxing reporter Sun Ying


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