Guangzhou: Women's cervical cancer breast cancer free examination will reach more than 70 %

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.07.13

Guo Siqi, a reporter from Yangcheng Evening News: On July 12, the official website of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government released the "Guangzhou Women's Development Plan (2021-2030)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Planning" draws the development blueprint, proposed that the screening rate of cervical cancer in the appropriate age reached more than 70%, the medical examination rate of pre -marital medical examinations was increased to 65%, and the proportion of women among employees remained at about 45%.

The "Planning" proposes that by 2030, the women's cause in Guangzhou will be in a leading position in the country, and the overall level of women's development will increase significantly to reach the level of developed countries. Specifically, the "Planning" describes the main goals and strategic measures from the eight areas of women and health, education, economics, decision -making and management, social security, family construction, environment, and law.

The "Planning" proposes that the screening rate of cervical cancer of women's cervical cancer reaches more than 70%, and the screening rate of breast cancer population has gradually increased; the medical examination rate of pre -marital medical examinations is increased to 65%, and the examination rate of pre -pregnancy eugenics reaches more than 80%; the level of women's mental health literacy has continued to increase The main goals such as women's anxiety disorder and depression have a slowdown in the prevalence of depression.

How to gradually turn the blueprint into reality? The "Planning" proposes many "actual recruitment", such as the implementation of urban and rural women's cervical cancer and breast cancer free examination items; popularize the prevention and treatment knowledge, the knowledge rate of cervical cancer and breast cancer prevention and control of more than 90%; , "One -stop" wedding and health medical examination venues 100%full coverage; focus on the mental health of adolescence, dating, menopausal, and elderly women; free screening of breast cancer and cervical cancer to 35-64 years old The detected urban and rural women will promote the implementation of free vaccination projects for girls' papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine; promote employers to incorporate women's breast cancer and cervical cancer screening into annual medical examinations.

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