Heze guys spend half a month to create paintings in painting, and there is a new world hidden in each detail

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.07.13

On July 7, a short video about "painting in the painting" became popular on the Internet, which attracted the attention and discussion of many netizens. This short video was successively reposted by media such as Xinhua News Agency, Xinhuanet, and People's Daily. On a short video platform, the video of the video was as high as 891,000, and the person who created this painting was Yang Xian from Heze. On July 12, the reporter contacted Yang Xian. He said with a smile that he did not expect that his work would attract everyone's attention, and he would work harder in the future.

The creation of "painting in the painting" comes from an article that I have seen

Yang Xian is 21 years old and is a junior student. When he talked about why he created "painting in the painting", he said that he had read an article and tells the story of the world's big but small stories. So I wanted to create a painting. "I have been studying painting since I was a child. The major of college studies is a comprehensive material painting major. I have a more introverted personality. I have some 'social fear'. The biggest hobby is to stay in the room." Yang Xian said that his work reflected his work. It was all his inner world. It took half a month to create it and named it "Although we are small, we are our own protagonist. "

According to Yang Xian, this painting has eight floors, originally a road sign and a road sign with his own name, and then expanded to a person standing in the sea, then the violin, house, eye, cat, and cat, and finally it was finally. Those trapped in the bottle can feel lonely from each painting. In this regard, Yang Xian explained that it is a small world to magnify or shrink layer by layer. This world is so big, we are so small, but layer by layer, we are our own protagonist.

"The work is the inner world of the author. My emotions and what I want to express will be described by drawing. Painting is a way of expression of my emotions. This painting I start with a road and street sign. I just want to express that we are all passers -by in this world. "Yang Xian said that he has been conceiving the painting mode of" painting in the painting "since December last year. There is no unlimited cloth in real life, so the painting software in the tablet can be realized to realize their own ideas.

The warm moments of soliciting 1,000 strangers are painted into paintings

On the afternoon of July 4, Yang Xian released his own "painting in painting" on a platform in a short video. I did not expect to receive countless likes and information the next day. "". In the following days, the media such as Xinhuanet, Xinhua News Agency, and People's Daily successively reposted them. Netizens have left messages and likes, and his number of fans has also increased to 181,000.

The 21 -year -old boy who was suddenly concerned was a little helpless and was flattered. He said that the reason why his work was noticed and liked by people was probably "painting" to the depths of people's hearts.

"Pay more attention to his emotional world." Yang Xian said that at first he opened his account in the short video to share his paintings and record his life. He did not expect to get so many people like it. Although many people found him through a short video platform, he was still low -key as ever. Yang Xian said that after he was "fire", only a few people around him knew about it. Even the teachers and classmates in the university did not know, and relatives were limited to parents.

"I am more introverted and not good at talking. I feel that keeping this state is very good now." Yang Xian said that he had a dream to find 1,000 strangers and let them describe the pictures that they felt warm and meaningful. These 1,000 instantly recorded in the manner of "painting in painting".

For future plans, Yang Xian said that he hopes that in the future, he can open a personal network gallery to make his works into digital collections for people to appreciate. His university studies can be successfully completed, and you can also draw more and better and more healing works, and step by step to become a real artist.

Heze Pay Industry All Media Reporter Chen Shuya

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