20 yuan a day!Jingzhou starts the "official baby" mode of summer vacation

Author:Headline Time:2022.07.13

Who brings a baby in the summer?

This is a problem that causes a lot of parents to have a headache

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Don't be afraid! Good news comes!

yesterday morning

Jingzhou employee children's children's summer love custody class

Formally start class! Intersection Intersection

Let's take a look

This summer vacation "bring baby" new model


In the morning, in the classroom of the Jingzhou Development Zone Experimental Middle School, the teacher was giving the first music class to the children who participated in the summer love custody class. In the classroom, 30 children sang under the leadership of the teacher.

Zeng Hu'e is an employee of the Australian Blue Metal Machinery Processing Plant in Jingzhou City. He usually goes to work. He has two children at home, 10 years old and half -year -old. Her eldest son is about to be in the fifth grade. Previously, the child had no time to take care of her summer, and it was always her headache. This time, after learning that the "love custody class" had a free start of the class, Zeng Hu'e reported his name for the child for the first time.

Student parents Zeng Hu'e:

Here he can consult the teacher and communicate with his classmates to promote his own progress. He can also exercise his own independence. Here, we can also go to work with peace of mind.

Writing homework, learning dance, training of calligraphy, and the history of the Ming party. In this summer, not only do employees have a good place for free hosting, but the children are also happy and benefited a lot.

Li Qinyuan, first elementary school student of Beijing Road, Shashi District:

There are many interest classes, singing, art, dance, and sports. There are great stadiums here. I can exercise here and make many friends.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Jingzhou Federation of Trade Unions, this year is the third year to carry out the caring custody class of children's children. Work counseling, life care, interest activities, party history education and other services.

Service object

Jingzhou Central City District, Economic Development Zone, Economic Development Zone, and Economic Affairs Institutions Employees of Employees Primary Schools 1 to 5 of the children among the children of employees.

Service period

The custody hours are from July 11th to August 5th (except on Sunday) from 8:30 to 17:30 per day.

Service charging

The custody service is pure public welfare. Entrusted students need to pay living expenses at 20 yuan per person per day, including Chinese food and noon costs.

ways of registration

Parents can register online through WeChat "School Xinida" public account, and need to take pictures to upload a job certificate (stamping) of the employee themselves.

- END -

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