The people's court has concluded more than 36 million cases of people's livelihood cases in the past ten years

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.13

Tao Kaiyuan, deputy dean of the Supreme People's Court, introduced at the "China Ten Years" series of theme press conferences held by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on July 12 that the people's court strengthened people's livelihood judicial security, implemented the people's codes, deepened the reform of family trials, and recently. In ten years, more than 36 million people's livelihood cases were concluded in accordance with the law and involved in education, employment, medical care, pension, housing, marriage and family. Publish judicial interpretation and typical cases in a timely manner for the people's reflection of strong telecommunications network fraud, infringing personal information of citizens, and high -altitude parabolic.

After achieving a basic solution to the difficulty of implementation, the people's court continued to consolidate the results. In 2021, the national court executed 8.642 million cases, and the implementation amount was 1.94 trillion yuan. The people's court also vigorously promoted the settlement of one -stop multiple disputes and the construction of a litigation service system. In 2021, the national court's online mediation disputes were 10.84 million; the online mediation disputes were 5.773 million in the first half of 2022.

"my country has built the one -stop diversified dispute resolution and litigation service system with the most linkage resources, the most complete online mediation, and the most wide service target." Tao Kaiyuan said.

Reporter: Bai Yang, Qi Qi

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