Xiwan Town, Qinyang City: "Four Steps" promotes the establishment of the "Five Star" branch to the new level

Author:Qinyang Rong Media Time:2022.07.13

After the establishment of the "Five Star" branch, in order to effectively improve the level of party building and solidly carry out the stars and stars in various villages, the party committee of the Ximan Town has established the work orientation of the "Party and the Mass and the Star Star". 29 tasks in 5 aspects, conducting research and analysis of the village, and "four steps" promoted the "Five Star" branch creation and then went to a new level.

Established a "one -class class", secret organization, and consolidated the foundation of the work. Focusing on the goal of "picking the stars and winning the flag", build a "one five -class" organizational system, and promote the creation of the "Five Star" branch. That is, the establishment of the "1" headquarters and the establishment of the "5" creation class. The "Five Star" branch with Yang Qingli, the secretary of the town party committee, led the headquarters of the grass -roots governance work of urban and rural areas to coordinate and promote the creation of the creation. According to the "Five Star" creation requirements, combined with the work responsibilities and division of work and division of work of the team members, organs, and the town directly units, the establishment of industrial prosperity, ecologically livable, safe rule of law, civilized happiness, and strong branch creation work classes are led by the team members. The relevant departments and town units participated, and each special classes were made according to the actual classification of various villages to guide the formulation of the creation goals and implemented the corresponding creation tasks.

Analyze and judge one by one, quantify tasks, and clarify work ideas. For the four villages such as Xiwan, Qi, Guanzhuang Tun, and Jingming, formulate key promotion accounts, and then improve from infrastructure and connotation taste to achieve "five guarantees and four"; The branch camp and other branches of "jump can be taken to the star" to strengthen the guidance of difficulties in industrial development, team building, etc. at the end of the year smoothly; The branch of the branch, strive to check the shortcomings, dispatch the work team, seize the key issues that affect the stars, and carry out key breakthroughs; the "ecological livable star" as the breakthrough point for the "ecological livable star" as the breakthrough point of the unspeakable star. Eliminate the "sporadic village" and achieve "the village has tasks and everyone has a burden."

Establish a list of responsibilities, strengthen management, and promote work implementation. The formulation of "one book, one -to -one list", is to print the "Five Stars" Branch of the Rural "Five Stars" Branch "to know the pocket book", which is convenient for town and village cadres to learn better, deeply, and use it faster. Sign the "Five Star" Branch of the Creation Work Responsibility "hierarchical, refine the work tasks of the town's straight units, organs, and villages, and change to" up to me "to" follow me ". To see the first level, the above -mentioned and layer conduction pressure. Formulate the "List of Work Responsibility for the Creation of the Five Stars" Branch of Rural Rural ", and specifies the responsibility positioning, standardized, and refined, so that it can operate, operate, evaluate, and account for accountability to form a joint force of coordinated and co -creation.

Carry out interview activities to ask for promotion and solve problems in time. Regularly follow the principles of "town's main leadership interviews village secretary, director, Baocun leaders interview other two cadres and first secretary", and carry out an interview activity of the "Five Star" branch of the "Five Star" branch every quarter. Knowledge, understand the creation situation, the secretary of the village branch reports the experience and practices and difficulties in the creation of the creation process in order to ask for promotion. Each village conducts a self -assessment scoring in combination with the creation rules of each village. The results of the self -assessment results are reported to the corresponding work class after reviewing and signing the leaders of Baocun; the work class supervises the creation of each village every month. , View information and field viewing, follow the rules of the creation of the work, verify one by one, timely feedback on the detected problems, list the list of problems, guide the villages to establish rectification accounts, formulate rectification plans, and implement rectification measures.

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