Dapeng Kwai Chung: Real and solving problems to promote high -quality development of enterprises

Author:Shenzhen News Network Time:2022.07.13

Kwai Chung Office helps to stabilize the enterprise

Reading Client · Shenzhen News Network, July 12, 2022 (Reporter Zhou Weiyi Correspondent Hou Chongye Wang Yan) The good service environment is an important condition for enterprises to retain and stabilize. Since the beginning of this year, the Kwai Chung Office of Dapeng New District has given full play to the advantages of the two new party building resources in the new district and the role of the two new party organizations, the pioneering model of party members, and effectively enhance the sense of work responsibility, urgency, and mission. The first time it relieves difficulties to help enterprises develop high -quality development.

Real -time collection appeal "one -to -one" visit service

The Office of the Kwai Chung Party Working Committee attaches great importance to the work of helping enterprises, formulated and issued the "Notice on the Establishment of the Leading Group for Economic Operation Schedule of Kwai Chung Office", "On the Printing and Distribution of Kwai Chung Party Working Committee, Office of the Office of Service Enterprises in 2022 And promote the work plan for high -quality development of the economy, and open the two new organization of the Party Working Committee of Kwai Chung ([email protected]) to designate a special person to be responsible to collect, coordinate handling and timely feedback appeal in real time.

In order to better meet the demands of the enterprise, the Kwai Chung Office has established 18 service groups to conduct nearly 150 enterprises in the jurisdiction to conduct "one -to -one" visits services to send policy services to enterprises, send rescue measures, send care and support, send development development, send development development, send development, send development, send development, and send development. Suggest. As of now, the office has contacted 200 companies and has visited 160 companies.

Kwai Chung Office helps to stabilize the enterprise

Increase the new kinetic energy of Hua Enterprise to promote the red engine

On June 23, the Party Working Committee of the two new organizations of Kwai Chung organized more than 20 people including the "Two New Secretary of the two New Secretary of Kwai Chung" of the "Red Engine New Power Kwai Chung Two Public Course". The event invited the Professor of the Party School of the Yantian District Party Committee to give a special counseling lecture on "Learning and Implementing the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Party's 19th Central Committee". Thirty reasons, deep i -enterprise APPs, 13 articles in the new district, 13 articles, "1 + 6" industrial development policies and other policies and practical tools.

In order to ensure that the policy of benefiting enterprises in the new district should be known, the Kwai Chung Office also actively send the policy of benefiting the enterprise to enterprises through party building activities, field visits, WeChat work groups, telephones and other methods. At the same time, in response to more subsidy policies for corporate consultation, combined with 13 articles in the new district, it sorted out the list of beneficiary enterprises that apply for small, medium and micro enterprises and the list of products of Kwai Chung financial institutions, and shared it with enterprises in the jurisdiction to facilitate enterprises to accurately grasp the rapid declaration.

Help enterprise high -quality development

Help enterprise relief to promote high -quality development of enterprises

Since the epidemic, many enterprises have been in a difficult business. Faced with the basic demands of "reducing costs", the Kwai Chung Office has actively responded to the "Notice of the Development and Finance Bureau of Shenzhen Dapeng New District and the Financial Bureau on Doing a Good Through field visits, discussions and investigations, and soliciting opinions, according to the actual financial resources of the joint -stock cooperative company, in April, the Kwai Chung Office coordinated and mobilized to assist 9 shares cooperative companies to reduce one month's rent for 299 merchants, and the amount of exemption was 4332,481 yuan. The coverage of the property is 19,5008 square meters.

At the same time, in order to meet the employment needs of the enterprise, the office also regularly through the form of online contact with offline visits to understand the employment needs and policy promotion of key employment enterprises, large backbone enterprises and high -tech enterprises, and help enterprises to stabilize jobs and retain workers. Through the holding of public welfare network recruitment fairs and other methods, 684 posts were provided, 236 policy subsidies were mobilized to mobilize college graduates, and the subsidy amount was more than 700,000 yuan.

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