Call you to sign up!Strive to be Shenzhen "Longgang Shuangchuang Star"

Author:Longgang Rong Media Time:2022.07.13

On July 12, the reporter learned from the Shenzhen Longgang District Science and Technology Innovation Bureau that the 14th Shenzhen Innovation Sai Longgang District qualifiers and the second "Longgang Shuangchuang Star" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition "Professional Unveiling" will set up information technology Application, biotechnology applications, and low -carbon recycling technology are three tracks. The registration deadline will be postponed to July 31st. The participating innovation team can register through the public account of the contest.

Sweep the code and enter the official website to follow the public account.

It is reported that the "Professional Unveiling Tournament" is an innovation competition for the development strategy of the "Longgang Shuangchuang Star" innovation and entrepreneurial competition to combine the "one core, two -core multi -fulfillment" regional development strategy. By discovering and focusing on the actual technical needs of the industry, it will accelerate the construction of the three core industrial clusters of "IT+BT+Low Carbon" for Longgang District. The "Professional Unveiling Tournament" will further give full play to the leading role of industrial leading enterprises in the fields of scientific and technological achievements and industrial technology innovation applications, and promote cooperative innovation in large and large and micro -micro -science and technology innovation enterprises and teams, and then form complementary resources and two -way two -way resource complementarity and two -way resource complementarity and two -way. New format for empowerment industrial innovation cooperation.

The "Professional Unveiling Tournament" is recruited from 3 types of groups, namely: the technical team or enterprise of colleges and scientific research institutes (the research field is in line with the needs of industrial innovation, and related technical products have reached the stage of industrialization, which can be landable); Science and technology startups (have clear technology or product solutions for industrial innovation needs); they have registered for the "six major industry competitions" of the "Longgang Shuangchuang Star" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

If the projects who have signed up for the "Six major industry competitions" are also in line with the "professional unveiling competition" players, they can pay attention to the public account or contact staff to get the registration guidelines before July 31, 2022, and register through the unveiling list. Registration registration.

Copyright statement: Original Longgang Rong Media, please indicate the source for reprinting.

Edit: Chen Yao He Su

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