Co -organized by Henan state capital, Hanwei Technology and Qianwei Chong Kitchen set up an industrial investment fund successively

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.07.13

[Dahe Daily · Dahecai Cube] (Reporter Wu Chunbo) On July 11, the two Yu stocks issued an announcement on the same day, both related to the establishment of an industrial investment fund.

On the evening of the same day, Qianwei Chong Kitchen of the Catering Supply Chain announced that it was intended to cooperate with Henan Central Plains HKMA (referred to as Central Plains Fortune) and Zhuji Shangde ’s investment partnership (limited partnership) and other industrial investment. Fund, the investment direction is unlisted enterprises related to food, catering, catering supply chain and other industries.

On the same day, the gas sensor leader Hanwei Technology issued an announcement saying that the company and the investment funds established by the company with the State -owned Assets and Industry Guidance Fund with Henan Province and Zhengzhou High -tech Zone have completed the filing procedures and obtained a certificate of filing of the private equity investment fund. The upstream and downstream of the WeChat Sensor Industry Chain is investing.

What is the meaning of the two Yu stocks to choose to join the local state -owned assets to set up an industrial investment fund?

Continue to improve the ability of the industrial chain,

Two Henan stocks have set up an industrial investment fund one after another

According to the Qianwei Chong Kitchen Announcement Plan, the industrial investment fund jointly established by the Three Party was the first raised amount of Henan Shangdehewei Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) to be RMB 250 million, which can increase the raised funds to no more than 400 million yuan, and the existence of continues. The period is 7 years, the investment period is 5 years, and the exit period is 2 years. Their investment direction is: food, catering, catering supply chain and other industries related to unlisted enterprises.

In the first fundraising, Qianwei Central Kitchen used 75 million yuan in its own funds to participate in the subscription of Henan Shangdehewei Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) Fund, accounting for 30 % of the total amount of funding contributions; Yuan, 30%of the subscription contributions; Zhuji Shangde ’s investment partnership (limited partnership) subscribed for 99.5 million yuan, accounting for 39.80%. The general partner of the fund is the management partnership (limited partnership) of Henan Shang Germany and Balical Enterprise (limited partnership), and subscribed for 500,000 yuan, accounting for 0.20%of the contribution contribution. The fund manager is Beijing Shangdee Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Beijing Shangdehe).

Regarding the investment, Qianweiyang said that it aims to ensure the company's core competitiveness in the field of catering supply chain and enhance the company's ability to docking and utilize the capital market.

The reporter noticed that before the participation of Qianwei Central Kitchen -related funds, Beijing Shangdehe also participated in a round A financing before the Qianwei Central Kitchen was listed, and separated from the food, Kuming food, Qiaqia food and other foods, respectively. Listed enterprises have initiated the establishment of related industrial investment funds, and their actual controller Bi Weiwei has served as the manager of CICC and the executive director of Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

In recent years, the prefabricated vegetable industry has risen. Due to its own prefabricated vegetable genetic and capital market genes, industry insiders believe that Qianweiyang Kitchen is expected to continue to strengthen its competitiveness in the catering supply chain through investment and cultivation of high -quality targets.

Compared with Qianwei Central Kitchen, Zhengzhou Hanwei Sensing Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as Zhengzhou Hanwei Sensing Fund) Manager is Zhengzhou High -tech Industrial Investment Fund Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as High -tech Investment Fund), the fund size of the fund 500 million yuan, of which Hanwei Technology contributed 295 million yuan with its own funds, accounting for 59%. The investment fund contribution accounts for 1%.

Hanwei Technology stated that the Hanwei Sensing Industry Fund, which cooperates with other institutions, is designed to focus on the layout of the upstream and downstream industrial chain of the Hanwei technology sensor to fully integrate the advantages of all parties to help them better find a good industry in the industry. Investment in enterprises with potential development, focusing on the rapid development of sensors and the Internet of Things field, and raising the leading position of the industry. At the same time, through the introduction of social capital to help industrial development, reduce its investment risks, and improve capital profitability.

Listed companies are not new to set up industrial funds,

Prepare for the industrial chain mergers and acquisitions

It is not new to participate in the establishment of private equity funds to the establishment of private equity funds, and it has quietly become a new forces in the field of PE and VC investment. The industry also refers to "listed companies participating in private equity funds" as a "corporate venture capital" model, namely CVC (Corporate VC).

According to statistics from Tonglian Data Data YES, listed companies have initiated more than 100 industrial investment funds since this year, and the investment fields are involved in emerging industries such as new energy, semiconductor, intelligent manufacturing, and biotechnology.

Zhang Fulu, director of the Institute of Industrial and Economics of Henan Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, believes that listed companies have a high right to speak about investment decision -making decisions in industrial investment fund projects.

In its opinion, the purpose of listed companies to establish a private equity fund is multi -dimensional, which can widen the investment channels and improve the efficiency of the use of funds. , Management and resource advantages, enhance the company's comprehensive competitiveness and ability to resist risk.

But compared to ordinary PE/VCs, listed companies are in the leading position of the industry. The industrial investment funds set up are closer to industrial investors. In addition to knowing the development trend of the enterprise industry, they can also bring a full range of empowerment to the investors. Essence

Industry insiders said that taking Hanwei Technology as an example, as a leading IoT company with sensors as the core, Hanwei Technology's industrial chain layout is very complete, which also enables them to be in terms of market, technology and industrial chain. Realize collaboration and move from competition before investment to competition, and comprehensively empower the development of investing companies. To this end, there are also institutional investors in the industry to participate in industrial investment funds with intended investment projects. It is hoped that listed companies can use their own industrial chain, market and technical advantages to empower these projects multi -dimensional empowerment.

"Listed companies set up industrial investment funds. The main purpose is to seek more suitable M & A standards for their own development. Listed companies can acquire these targets through cash transactions and issuing shares. People said.

In addition, it is worth noting that in recent years, many listed companies have issued a "recruitment order" to actively introduce the staff of venture capital institutions with rich investment experience to participate in the investment management of industrial investment funds, and to give these talents to high investment decision -making discourse rights rights to speak right to speak. Essence

Why choose local state -owned assets?

There is great meaning behind

The reporter noticed that among the funds set up by Qianwei Central Kitchen, in addition to ordinary partners, the important partners are the local state -owned assets of Central Plains HKMA. The main business of Central Plains HKMA is "debt investment; project investment; investment consulting; finance; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; finance; finance; finance; finance; finance; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; finance; finance; financial consultation; finance; financially Consultation; corporate management consulting ", actual controller of the Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government.

In addition, Hanwei Technology also chose Henan state -owned assets. In the list of partners of the Zhengzhou Hanwei Sensing Fund, the Agricultural Capital Investment Fund was a subsidiary of Henan Agricultural Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Henan Agricultural Kai), Henan Nongcai As a management enterprise in Henan Province, the Zhengzhou Investment Investment Investment Guidance Fund and the Zhengzhou High -tech Investment Fund have the background of Zhengzhou's local state -owned assets.

In recent years, many local state -owned assets have transformed into "venture capital", actively acquired the control of listed companies, and also actively participated in the addition of some high -quality listed companies and the establishment of funds. At the same time Improve local economic quality. Why did both Yu stocks choose local state -owned assets this time?

"Choosing to cooperate with local state -owned assets, the two Yu shares will get greater room for exertion in terms of investment in the industrial chain." The aforementioned industry insiders said that in recent years, many local state -owned assets are competing to look at the whole country. Fund and listed companies, but most of these investment have a condition, that is, the investors need to invest in the local real estate industry or invest in industrial chain projects with corresponding funds in the scale.

In its opinion, this model obviously reduces the difficulty of obtaining funding support for listed companies and emerging projects, but objectively limits the development space of the invested enterprise, because the source of funds may not be a region with strong industrial chain capabilities.

Song Xiangqing, vice chairman of the Chinese Society of Commerce Economics, believes that the current acting of capital to introduce industries in the bond in all parts of China is not necessarily conducive to the long -term development of enterprises. In addition to the differences between the industrial position of the investment enterprise in the regional industry, enterprises Its development ability may also be weakened, and choosing cooperation with local capital can greatly eliminate such concerns.

"To set up industrial investment funds with Henan state -owned assets, you can use the advantages of the leading enterprise itself to introduce more high -quality industrial chain companies in the industry to Henan. While strengthening the core competitiveness of the enterprise, it also enhances Henan's industries such as prefabricated dishes and sensors. The overall strength of the side provides industrial support for the high -quality development of the Henan region, "Song Xiangqing said.

Responsible editor: Tao Jiyan | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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