Huanghe Shaozhen Ge's old village: National unity of a family, happy flowers and four squares

Author:New Saihan V Time:2022.07.13

The old village of Huanghe Shao Town, Saihan District is located in the southeast of Saihan District. The village area is 25 square kilometers. There are 1,118 people in 276 households. The two ethnic groups of Han and Mongolia live together. Civilized Village. In recent years, the old villages have promoted the establishment of national unity and progress with the construction of the grassroots party's construction, industrial development, environmental comprehensive improvement, and integration of spiritual civilization construction. The new socialist countryside of civilization has been rated as a municipal -level grass -roots party organization, advanced villages in the municipal grid management, and a beautiful courtyard demonstration village.

Party building leadership and empowering development. The "two committees" team of the old villages and villages in the old village, comprehensively strengthened the party's comprehensive leadership of national work, effectively played the leading role of party building, firmly grasped the three words of "real", "dry", "effect", and carried out the grassroots at the grassroots level in the village. Party building, economic project advancement, and human settlement environmental improvement, regularly hold meetings, joint meetings, and co -construction associations to make party organizations build on the industrial chain, party members gather in the industry in the industrial chain, "party building+rural rejuvenation+national unity and progress" model. On the chain and the masses, the masses are rich in the industrial chain to do practical things for villagers of all ethnic groups. At the same time, various tasks are carried out through democratic elections, democratic decision -making, democratic management, democratic supervision, etc., and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the masses of all ethnic groups in accordance with the law.

National unity and create harmony together. Strengthen organizational leadership, focus on the consciousness of the Chinese nation community as the main line, incorporate ethnic unity and progress into the village regulations and integrate into the daily production of villagers, through outdoor publicity columns, moral lecture halls, lectures, and cultural activities. Among the masses of all ethnic groups, they widely publicize the party's national policies and laws and regulations, as well as typical deeds of national unity and progress, and guide villagers of all ethnic groups to help each other, build homeland, improve people's livelihood, and promote harmony. The village party branch focuses on tapping the typical model of national unity and advanced demonstration, and establishes a group of national unity and progress.

Livable villages, retain nostalgia. This old village has further promoted the implementation of rural revitalization strategies and the improvement of rural living environment, comprehensively promoted the transformation of household toilets, centralized the prominent problems such as "dirty mess" in rural areas, and supplemented the shortcomings of rural infrastructure and public services. In -depth implementation of rural greening and beautification actions, continuously carry out the cleaning actions of villages, guide and encourage villagers of all ethnic groups to carry out garden greening through planting fruits and vegetables, flowers and trees, etc., optimize the ecological space of the village production and living, and promote the complementary of the village form and the natural environment and traditional culture. Beauty, Jing, Yi, and Xun have become the rural style of the old villages, beautiful villages, retaining nostalgia, and happiness in all ethnic groups.

Rural revitalization, increase production and harvest. Pay attention to the development of the economy, cultivate an advantageous industry, and play a leading role in leading the leader, and guide the village's small and micro enterprises, cooperatives, cultivation and breeding households, and villagers to communicate and win -win through the village corporate joint meeting and casting the Chinese nation community consciousness promotion meeting. Agricultural products have sales and less enterprises running for smooth sales. Optimize the agricultural development environment, build a water conservancy facilities for farmland, and turn all the cultivated land of the villagers into water. The crown garden in the village, rough grains, Jifeng farming, strong grapes, and Yuanfeng pickers and other characteristic planting and breeding industries. Continue to broaden the income increase channels, the village party branch actively implements the "party branch+cooperative+farmers" model, actively develops bright ground vegetables and "Saihan Little Pumpkin" planting, and creates a road of rural rejuvenation with brand influence. Become a national geographical indication trademark, and the villagers have also achieved employment at their doorsteps. Today, the per capita annual income of villagers has increased from more than 4,000 to more than 20,000 yuan in the past, and the collective economy of the village has reached more than 200,000 yuan. By continuously expanding the planting area of ​​the small pumpkin in the characteristic industry, the old villages have further expanded the collective economy of the village and broaden the channels for income from the masses of all ethnic groups.

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