A regiment of Xinjiang Military Region: a new type of artillery real bomb shooting inspection officer and the ability to withdraw quickly

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.07.13

Video/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast "Controls =" Controls "data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/20220713/165768576415047.mp4 "transcoding =" 1 "style =" width: 400px; ">

Recently, a new car artillery team in the Xinjiang Military Region, which is trained in the Karakon Plateau, went to a new car artillery team to go to the wild area to perform real -bomb shooting exercises.The ability to withdraw and withdraw from the high cold of the plateau.

Reporter Yang Shuhan

Gao Yugang

Correspondent Zhang Wenjie Ahepezer Li Pengpeng Wang Chen Liu Li Huang Jianhao Jiang Kai

Preparation Li Chunxia Mao Mingdong Chenfeng

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