[Sanxiangxiang] The advancement of garbage classification of college students in action environmental protection science leads low -carbon life

Author:China Low Carbon Network Time:2022.07.13

On July 9, college student volunteers from the Green and Smart Environment College of Changjiang Teachers College carried out the ecological and environmental science popularization activities with the theme of "Promoting garbage classification and leading low -carbon life" in the Hongyi Community of the Yinhe Street in Fuling District, Chongjiang. Mr. Xie Xiaohua and Mr. Zhao Xiaohui, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the Green Intelligence Institute of Green Smart Environment, guided the social practice activities throughout the process.

The activity focuses on the theme of "advancing garbage classification and leading low -carbon life", and enters the community in the form of volunteer services. Through on -site learning environmental protection knowledge, award -winning answers, and garbage classification mini -games, it aims to strengthen street residents' domestic garbage classification Consciousness, practice the green and low -carbon lifestyle, and contribute to the implementation of the "double carbon" operation and build a beautiful home.

During the event, volunteers carried out the preaching The community residents have a deeper understanding of ecological environmental protection through the way of answering environmental knowledge.

The publication of the publicity activities of "Promoting garbage classification and leading low -carbon life" allows residents to understand how to classify garbage. Waste classification is of great significance to the construction of our ecological civilization, and further allows residents to develop resources to save resources and cherish resources. It has received strong support and praise from community residents; it has also allowed college student volunteers to further learn professional knowledge, improve comprehensive skills and enhance social practice capabilities, and contribute to the construction of ecological civilization and harmonious and beautiful China.

Correspondent: Hu Sisi

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