Xihua University's implementation of the unveiling mechanism of "Order" Sanxia Township to accurately help rural revitalization

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.07.13

Recently, Xihua University organized teachers and students to go to the school's counterpart assistance point to help the rural revitalization series of social practice activities to help rural revitalization.

Combined with the "order style" needs of the rural revitalization of the rural revitalization, the school innovation adopts the work mechanism of the "unveiling of the list" to determine the five key practical topics, recruiting and forming a practical team for teachers and students of the school, relying on related discipline majors to help the industry help the industry Develop and beautify the rural environment, improve infrastructure, prosper the cultural life goals, and lead the majority of young college students to play their professional directors to effectively act in the first -tier work of rural revitalization.

Rural Literature and Art Gala prosperity spiritual and cultural life

The school Youth League Committee organized the first rural revitalization and art party in Shuiyankou Village. Through dance, cross talk, drama, martial arts, dubbing, red songs and other programs, it promoted excellent traditional culture and sang the love of the party and patriotism. The party is divided into three chapters: "Entering the New Era", "Sharing New Life" and "Entrusted New journey". At the event, the Music Association brought the opening song "The Orphan of the Red". Subsequently, "Entering the Charlet", "Wanjiang", "Sending the Moon", "The Shengshi as your wish", "The brightest star in the night sky" Wait for the show to be staged in turns. The high -quality singing voice, the beautiful dancing posture, the touching stories, the audio -visual and audiovisual, the fierce passion of the students infected every audience of the scene, and won applause and cheers. The party ended in the moving melody of "My and My Motherland" in the evening.

Sales of agricultural and sideline products help farmers get rich and increase their income

The teacher -student practice team of the School of Economics and Students pays attention to the sales difficulties of agricultural and sideline products. Under the leadership of the deputy mayor of Longjing Town, the deputy mayor of Longjing Town, and Lei Yunzhong, the first secretary of the village in Waterwater, I went to the Murakami Pepper Base, the Silklore Mulberry Base, the Vegetable Base and other places to learn about it. The development of e -commerce in Shuiyankou Village. Subsequently, the practice team explored the use of "community promotion+live broadcast and cargo+market development" model to help local agricultural and sideline products sales. Volunteers helped local vegetable planting large households to establish a community to buy a WeChat group, go deep into the surrounding residential communities for offline promotion, establish online direct purchase channels, and attract hundreds of consumers to join on the first day, pioneering market resources for vegetable sales. At the same time, guide the use of platform live broadcast functions, and continue to help agricultural product sales by publishing video and live broadcast methods. With the help of volunteers, the first live broadcast praise reached 19,000, the number of viewers was 4,395, the number of gifts was 34, and the 6 baskets of vegetables were sold on the day.

Landscape planning and design promote the development of characteristic industries

The Teachers and Students' Practice Team of the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering focuses on the two main projects of the "Party and Mass Service Center" and "Rural Convention Living Room" of Shuiyankou Village, and conduct on -site investigations and venue exploration of thousands of acres of industrial planning bases. Cultural and architectural forms are based on the beauty and livability, with the core of rural civilization, and focusing on industrial development, forming the construction plan of the "Rural Revitalization Demonstration Point" of Shuiyankou Village, which has been highly recognized by the People's Government of Longjing Town. The party and mass service centers are planned to build a political center for unity and lead the masses, the cultural center of publicizing and educating the masses, and the convenience center of the people to serve the masses. The living room planning of the rural party club is a comprehensive service reception center that integrates the three major projects of the three major projects of ethical and mulberry culture, silk culture, and farming culture. Revitalize the new landmark of cultural tourism.

Caring for left -behind children's revitalization rural education undertakings

The Teachers and Students 'Practice Team of Music and Dance Focus on the theme of left -behind children in rural areas, and carry out ideological leadership, academic guidance, quality expansion, family companionship such as Longjing Elementary School in Jialing District, Nanchong to promote the comprehensive development of students' morality, intellectual, physical and labor. In the moral classes, volunteers tell the story of the red party history, allowing children to love the party and patriotism; in the scientific class, lead the students to invented a small experiment to stimulate the spirit of exploration and the desire to learn. The arrangement of the program "Let's swing up the double paddle" to allow the students to enhance the aesthetic experience; in the psychological class, through "who am I", "What kind of person am I", "how do I love yourself" and other issues to guide the students to correct Knowing yourself and establishing a healthy and positive attitude; in the labor class, students complete the production of beautiful handicrafts through teamwork and enhance their practical ability.

Creative wall painting to create a livable and beautiful home

The teacher -student practice team of the School of Fine Arts and Design highlights the construction of a civilized rural style. Focusing on the theme of rural cultural revitalization, the wall is used as a cloth, and the pen is used as a pen. Painted into the countryside to promote the construction of rural customs with rich cultural connotation. For 6 days, teachers and students overcome real difficulties such as high temperature and hot rain, heavy rain, and constantly improved the painting of the wall, incorporating the rich crop resources of the village of Shuiyankou into the painting, and the painting of the light and shadow of the countryside The local culture and freshness of the times make the cultural wall the "spokesperson" of the rural revitalization and the "communicator" of the rural civilization, and dress up the beautiful rural environment.

It is reported that according to the actual needs of rural education in Longjing Town, the school contacted alumni to donate learning supplies, sporting supplies and office supplies equivalent to 50,000 yuan in educational materials to improve the conditions for running the school's school running schools and create a good environment for students' growth and development. (Correspondent: Xiong Xian, Xihua University)

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