Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport on the collection and promotion activities of carrying out transportation safety management experience

Author:Chinese maritime affairs Time:2022.07.13

Provincial, autonomous regions, municipalities, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (Bureau, Bureau) of the Production and Construction Corps, each directly under the maritime bureau:

In order to thoroughly implement the important exposition of General Secretary Jinping's important expositions on production safety, improve the major risk prevention and control capabilities and levels of water traffic safety, and resolutely curb the occurrence of major water traffic accidents. Acquisition and promotion activities of transport safety management experience. Relevant matters notification is as follows:

1. Call for participation conditions

The safety management experience collected this event includes the safety management system, experience and practices, and technological innovation. The owner, operator and ferry, ferry, and ferry safety regulatory authorities of the ferry and ferry in my country have mature and good safety management experience. The ferry and ferry that have been managed in the past 5 years has not occurred and the ferry is met in the following conditions. Solidarity and promotion activities.

(1) In terms of ensuring the safety of ferry navigation, fire protection, escape, self -rescue, etc., there are facilities, equipment or technological innovations;

(2) In terms of ensuring the safety of ferry navigation, establish a smooth and coordination mechanism for sectors running smoothly;

(3) Establish sustainable safety capital investment and execution supervision mechanisms in terms of ensuring safety of transportation activities;

(4) In terms of the implementation of territorial responsibilities, promote the introduction of relevant policy documents, improve the cross -sector coordination mechanism of cross -transport security, and increase local financial investment;

(5) Establish a safety management system for simple and efficient management in terms of ensuring ferry, ferry, and ferry.

2. Call for procedures and requirements

(1) Declaration. The municipal -level transportation authorities and branches and maritime affairs bureaus directly report to the units of the unit's supervision experience to the initial evaluation unit, and are responsible for organizing the management experience of the owners and operators of the ferry outlets and operators in the area under their jurisdiction. Before August 15, 2022, all application units and individuals shall fill in the "Application Form for Watching Safety Management" (Annex 1) and send them to the initial evaluation unit.

(2) Preliminary evaluation. The provincial -level transportation authorities and the marine affairs bureaus are responsible for the preliminary evaluation work of the region and the area under their jurisdiction. It is necessary to establish a application channel and study the selection of practical and efficient and relatively low management costs. Promoting the value of the application and the experience requirements of the water traffic safety laws and regulations, forming the "Recommendation Form for Ferry Safety Management" (Annex 2) in the region and the area under its jurisdiction. Encourage priority to recommend high -cost innovation technology, public welfare ferry, semi -public welfare security management and supervision experience.

(3) Recommended. The provincial -level transportation authorities and direct marine affairs bureaus will sort the initial evaluation results in the order of recommendation. In principle, the proposed quantity does not exceed 3. Before September 30, the recommendation situation will be reported and attached to the "Declaration Form for Watching Safety Management" and "Recommendation Form for Watching Safety Management".

(4) Promotion. The Ministry of Organization reviews the experience materials recommended by each unit, and the review adopts the combination of expert review and on -site review. The results of the review will be publicized on the official website of the ministry. If there is no objection, the ministry is promoted in an appropriate form.

3. Other matters

(1) The provincial -level transportation authorities and the Maritime Affairs Bureau directly affiliated to the ship should be further arranged in the area of ​​ships engaged in ferry in the area by September 30, established and improved the ferry list (Annex 3) in the jurisdiction, and submitted it with recommended materials.

(2) The electronic version of this notice can be downloaded and downloaded on the official website of the ministerial ministerial website or the official website of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs.

Contact person: Ministry of Marine Bureau, Yan Yanxiang, Tian Kaiwei, telephone: 010-65292896, 65292967, mailbox: [email protected]; Xie Tian, ​​the Ministry of Water Transport Science Research Institute, Tel: 010-65290540-828, 18511412824, mailbox: [email protected].


1. Application Form for Watching Safety Management

2. Recommendation form for crossing safety management

3. List of crossing ships

General Office of the Ministry of Transportation

July 7, 2022

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