General Administration of Customs: A number of policies and measures are introduced to effectively stimulate the vitality

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.07.13

Li Kuiwen, the director of the Department of Statistics and Statistics of the Customs Department, said at the press conference of the National New Office held on the 13th that since this year, the state has introduced a number of policies and measures to promote the quality and quality of foreign trade, support enterprises to relieve the rescue of corporate reliefDifficulties have continued to effectively stimulate the vitality of the foreign trade market.In the first half of the year, the number of foreign trade enterprises with imports and exports in my country increased by 5.5%year -on -year.Among them, the number of private enterprises increased by 6.9%to 425,000.

Reporter: Lu Jia


[Editor in charge: Zhan Jing]

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