The latest and high -risk areas in the country are announced!Heilongjiang Disease Control Release Prevention Reminder

Author:Life newspaper Time:2022.07.13

On the 13th, the reporter of the Dynamic News · Life Daily learned from the Provincial Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that at 0-24 on July 12, a total of 57 new types of coronary virus pneumonia were reported in the country and 204 infected infected in the native symptoms, involving 12 provinces (Autonomous region and municipality). As of 00:00 on July 13, according to the "New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)", there are 267 high -risk level regions and 509 medium -risk -level regions. (See Schedule)

The current domestic and foreign epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe and complicated. In order to fully implement the general strategy of "external prevention input, internal prevention and rebound" and the "dynamic clearing zero" general policy, effectively control and reduce the risk of input transmission of the epidemic. The following prevention and control reminder:

I. Strictly implement the responsibility for prevention and control of personal epidemics and strengthen themselves as the first responsible person. Adhere to scientifically wearing masks, wash your hands frequently, often ventilate, and gather less, maintain a safe social distance, and develop good health habits.

2. It is recommended not to go to the central and high -risk levels. If you must go, you must report to the community (village) and work units in advance, and pay attention to querying the progress of the outbreak and prevention and control measures of the destination. Manage the local epidemic prevention and control policies and actively report it.

Third, the trajectory of the activity of the positive infected person is intersecting, or those who have a history of living in the middle and high -risk levels (returning) our province must actively report to the community, unit or hotel, and according to the level of departure and the risk of the epidemic in the place of departure. Classified management shall be implemented in accordance with the municipal (local) management and control policy.

4. City personnel who have left the customs border ports must provide a 48 -hour kernel detection negative certificate, and go to the city personnel of the land border port.

5. When exposed to express delivery and items from overseas and domestic high -risk areas, wearing masks and disposable gloves and disinfection of internal and external packaging. After processing, wash hands and replace masks in time.

6. Do a good job of health management of yourself and family members. Harmony, avoid taking public transport during the clinic, and actively inform the history of living and contact.

7. Inoculation of new crown virus vaccine is an effective measure to reduce infection rate, severe disease and mortality rate, and also protect the Omikon mutant strains. The crowds who meet the conditions of vaccination should be vaccinated as soon as possible, and the people over the age of 18 or more who have been vaccinated for 6 months will be vaccinated as soon as possible.

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Last News · Life Daily Reporter: Wang Qiushi

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