Han Ting District: "Competition in the Taiwan Taiwan" promotes the revitalization of the countryside

Author:Hanting Rong Media Time:2022.07.13

"In the early stage, we actively strived for pilot villages in the" Red Net Governance "in the district, and made some explorations around the governance of rural grassroots grids to lead the party building. Our village divided 7 streets and alleys, and each grid staff paid for grids against grids.里的大小事务兜底负责,先后为群众解决身边小事120余件,在疫情防控、农村人居环境整治等村级重点任务中,我们村的工作都是名列前茅……”近日,寒亭区双Du Chongchao, secretary of the Party Organization of Dujiazhuangzi Village, Development Center of Yang (Modern Agriculture), was at the "Ringzai Combat" activity of rural revitalization, showing the results of the observant to grasp the party building to promote rural revitalization.

Organize the convening of rural party organization secretary rural revitalization "ring competition" and semi -annual observation point review meeting.

Since the beginning of this year, the district has launched the "Ringzai Combat" activity in the rural rejuvenation of rural party organizations in the district. Village -level key tasks such as grass -roots governance, people's livelihood project, and backup echelon construction ". Through on -site observation, on stage, interactive questions, etc., the village party organization secretary's exposure, comparison contribution, development, finding gaps, and continuously create" better learning than learning The strong atmosphere of catching up and creating the first to strive for excellence ", in order to deepen the party building and promote rural rejuvenation and cohesion.

Focusing on the tasks of promoting the party building and promoting rural rejuvenation, the district introduced the "5+N" quantitative evaluation criteria of the village party organization secretary "ring competition". Among them, the five aspects of the village party organization secretary's personal political performance, strengthening organizational construction, leading the development of village, grassroots governance services, and cleaning and standardized performance of duties are used as the "required test" content. Content, implement one than the martial arts assessment per quarter.

Each quarterly evaluate the performance of village cadres.

Each quarter, the street (Development Center) is held by the units. The village party organization secretaries conducted on -site duties in accordance with the performance of their duties. The chief branch secretary, the chief of the film, and the director of some functional stations formed the judges to conduct on -site comments. By carrying out the "rural competition" of the village party organization secretary, the village has helped the village to discuss 113 problems.

In order to ensure the grounding and public opinion of the village party organization secretary "ring competing", the district incorporated democratic evaluation into the "ring competition" extension inspection item, and the village is based on the village. Represents the evaluation of the actual performance of the village party organization. The village party organization secretary with outstanding performance and excellent democratic evaluation results of the "ring competition" is recommended to the district -level "ring competition" from the street (development center) as the unit. At present, 126 village party organization secretaries have been "excellent", 224 village party organization secretaries have been rated as "competent", 53 village party organization secretaries have been rated as "basic competent" and "incompetence". The "double hook" with the political and economic treatment of the Village Party Organization Secretary has effectively encouraged the village party organization secretary to actively perform their duties and entrepreneurship.

Source: Weifang Media

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