Behind the establishment of the provincial prefabricated vegetable industry investment fund: use the "new format" to leverage the revitalization of rural industries

Author:Economic Observer Time:2022.07.13

Economic Observation Network reporter Li Huaqing is different from the cold and heat -making investment in the stock market. The enthusiasm of the local government's support for the prefabricated vegetable industry is still continuing, and the support measures are also in an orderly manner.

According to the official website of the Guangdong Provincial Government, on July 7, Guangdong Hengjian Investment Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hengjian Holdings") and Guangdong Private Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangdong Min Investment") jointly established Guangdong Province prefabricated dishes Industrial Investment Fund, this is the first provincial -level prefabricated vegetable industry investment fund at the provincial level in the country. The size of the parent fund will reach 5 billion yuan. It is expected that in the future, it will form a sub -fund group with a scale of tens of billions of scale, which will form, storage, circulation, consumption, consumption, and consumption, and consumption, and consumption, and consumption. Investment layouts in key areas and key links of equipment production and other industries.

The Guangdong Prefabricated Vegetable Industry Investment Fund, which is backed by Hengjian Holdings and Guangdong CITS, has gathered the dual support of local state and private capital of Guangdong. Public information shows that Hengjian Holdings was established in 2007. It is 100%controlled by the Guangdong Provincial SASAC. It is a major strategic investment platform for the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and provincial state -owned capital operation companies, helping Guangdong's industrial agglomeration and industrial upgrading. Yuemin Investment was established in 2016. The first phase of the founding shareholders included Midea Holdings, Yingfeng Investment, Country Garden, Jiadu Group, Haitian Group, Wanhe Group, Xiangxue Pharmaceutical, Libai Group and other well -known private enterprises.

In fact, nationwide, Guangdong's support for the prefabricated vegetable industry can be considered at the forefront. In March 2022, Guangdong Province issued the "Ten Measures for Accelerating the Police of the Guangdong's prefabricated vegetable industry high -quality development" (hereinafter referred to as the "Ten Prefabricated vegetables"), which is the first provincial prefabricated vegetable industry policy. In May 2022, the Guangdong Provincial General Office announced the list of members of the Joint Conference on the High -quality Development Work of the prefabricated vegetable industry in Guangdong Province. Guangdong is the first province in the country to establish a provincial -level joint conference system in the prefabricated field. The province's prefabricated vegetable industry development layout and planning, guide and urge all localities and relevant units to formulate and implement policy measures, strengthen publicity and policy interpretation, and support and standardize the development of the prefabricated vegetable industry.

On July 12, Zhang Gejian, a partner and managing director of the Salvin Greater China, believed in an interview with the reporter of the Economic Observation Network that in the context of the patient's affairs, prefabricated dishes may develop into a new enterprise new company new company. For business growth points, for agricultural product companies, prefabricated dishes can greatly increase the added value of agricultural products and help rural revitalization.

Prefabricated dishes leverage the upgrading of rural industries

Prefabricated dishes refer to the complementary ingredients into the finished product or semi -finished product, and the convenient dishes that can be eaten after simplicity. Due to the different ingredients, it is divided into vegetable prefabricated dishes, aquatic prefabricated dishes, and livestock prefabricated dishes.

Since 2021, prefabricated dishes have attracted much attention. Some industry statistics show that in 2021, there were 23 PE/VC investment events in the prefabricated vegetable track industry, with a financing amount of 5.6 billion yuan, accounting for about 10%of the financing amount of PE/VC investment events in the catering industry that year. In the secondary market, in April 2021, the "Prefabricated Cuisine First Share" Treaty (605089.SH) landed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The issue price was 28.53 yuan/share. The stock price has fallen, and the current stock price is still around 65 yuan/share, and the relative issue price has increased by more than 100%. On A shares, many listed companies have also introduced their layout of prefabricated dishes.

In this regard, Zhang Gejian said to reporters from the Economic Observation Network that, in the context of the patient's normalization, for catering companies, exploring entry prefabricated dishes is a means of reducing cost reduction and efficiency, and realizing transformation and upgrading. Prefabricated dishes may develop into it into the development of transformation and upgrading. New business growth point of the enterprise.

In the eyes of local governments, prefabricated vegetables can leverage more space. "Prefabricated dishes are a new model of the integration and development of the first, second and tertiary industries in rural areas. It is a new format for promoting the improvement of the" vegetable basket "engineering quality and efficiency. Revitalization has positive significance. "The General Office of the Guangdong Provincial Government introduced the significance of the prefabricated vegetable industry in the" Ten Pre -production ".

Zhang Gejian also saw the significance of the development of prefabricated dishes to rural revitalization: "For agricultural products enterprises, prefabricated dishes can greatly increase the added value of agricultural products, increase farmers' income, and effectively connect rural revitalization policies."

Chen Dong, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, shared the impact of prefabricated dishes on the value of agricultural products on July 10th. The Luo Fei fish farming area and export place are known as "the capital of China Luo Fei Fish". A considerable number of local farmers rely on Luo Fei fish to make revenue. And if Luo Fei fish is made into sauerkraut or grilled fish, the price can soar to 40 yuan or 50 yuan per catty.

Zhang Gejian believes that Guangdong has multiple advantages to develop the prefabricated vegetable industry. The first is the advantages of the industrial chain. The upstream of the prefabricated vegetable industry chain covers agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, and the middle reaches involves industrial manufacturing, downstream counterpart food, beverage and catering industry, and the upper and lower industrial chain There are many links and longer, and the upstream, middle, downstream industrialization of the Guangdong prefabricated vegetable industry chain is relatively complete; the second is the technological advantages, and the industrial technical foundation of Guangdong food processing is strong; the third is the advantages of food culture, and Cantonese cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines. , "Guangfu cuisine", "Chaoshan cuisine" and "Hakka cuisine" are popular, and the characteristics of nutrition, health, lightness, and health advocated by Cantonese cuisine have received many fans, which is conducive to the promotion of Cantonese -style prefabricated dishes; fourth, the population advantage , Guangdong's flowing population is far ahead in the country. The huge population base, coupled with fast -paced life, has a natural demand for convenient prefabricated dishes; fifth is the policy advantage. Regarding how to develop prefabricated vegetables in all parts of the province, it has also been planned, and proposed to build Zhaoqing high -key prefabricated vegetable industry highlands, Zhanjiang aquatic pre -production cuisine capital, Maoming coastal seafood prefabricated vegetable industry park, Guangzhou Nansha prefabricated vegetable entry and export trade zone, Foshan Nanhai Shunde Prefabricated Food International City, Chaozhou prefabricated world food capital, Jiangmen global overseas Chinese prefabricated dishes, and Meizhou, Heyuan, Huizhou Hakka prefabricated vegetable industry gathering area, etc. "Under the active guidance of the government, Guangdong Province has taken the lead in organizing and developing the prefabricated vegetable industry in the country in the future." Zhang Gejian commented on this.

The prefabricated vegetable industry that needs to be developed

In the local governments, not only Guangdong is supporting the development of prefabricated dishes, but also the support policies for prefabricated dishes in Weifang, Chongqing Liang Ping, and Hebei Fuping, Shandong.

In Zhang Gejian's view, the prefabricated vegetable industry is still growing in the current period, the market is highly scattered, and there are a large number of small -scale enterprises. Most enterprises focus on single categories, and the scope of business radiation is also limited. To a certain extent, the prefabricated vegetable boom reflects the trend of infiltrating prefabricated dishes from the B -end to the C -end. However, it is necessary to achieve the favor of personal consumers for a long time. Prefabrication companies must also cultivate the capabilities of marketing, product control, logistics management, and brand shape.

At the same time, Zhang Gejian believes that the current prefabricated vegetable companies mainly need three aspects of help. First, the formulation of industry standards. "Industry standards are the specifications that prefabricated vegetable companies and even each participant in the industry. Important basis. At this stage, my country's prefabricated vegetable industry still lacks subdivision standards in various links. Therefore, the prefabricated production safety standards that are endorsed by management organs and national industry organizations are urgently needed to promote the standardization of the prefabricated vegetable industry. "

The second is the improvement of cold chain logistics. "Cold chain logistics is one of the key factors for the development of prefabricated vegetable companies. At this stage, the efficiency of my country's cold chain logistics needs to be improved compared with developed countries, and the overall cold chain market has not yet matured. Can cooperate with prefabricated vegetable companies to jointly explore the service capabilities and efficiency of the cold chain logistics link in the prefabricated vegetable industry. "

Third, the cultivation of composite talents. "The" central kitchen "behind the prefabricated vegetables combines the support of food processing and safety, cooking technology, mechanical engineering, supply chain and other fields. Traditional cooking technology practitioners are more Lack of. In order to meet the needs of talents in prefabricated vegetables, vocational schools and university education can try to cultivate composite talents with a variety of knowledge such as cooking technology and food industry. "

In the measures of the "Ten Prefabricated dishes" in Guangdong Province, the research and development of prefabricated dishes, regulatory specifications, talent training, warehousing cold chain logistics, brand marketing, cultural science popularization, demonstration enterprise training, cluster growth, internationalization and other fields are all followed. What is related to the Guangdong Prefabricated Vegetable Industry Investment Fund mentioned earlier is that the financial insurance support of prefabricated dishes is also within the consideration of Guangdong Province.

The Guangdong Provincial Government proposed that the Guangdong Pre -production Fund Development Fund system was constructed to reduce the difficulty and cost of corporate financing. Organize insurance institutions to dock with prefabricated vegetable companies, and launch a number of special insurance products such as prefabricated vegetable products, raw material quality. Governments at all levels in the province shall include the development of the prefabricated vegetable industry into the scope of financial support at the level. Under the premise of not forming a hidden debt of local governments, it supports eligible prefabricated vegetable industry projects to apply for special bonds for local governments. Vigorously develop the prefabricated vegetable industry supply chain finance, and support financial institutions to develop special products for the prefabricated vegetable industry.

In June this year, the Guangdong Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China issued 5 million yuan in credit loans for a prefabricated vegetable production and sales enterprise in Foshan City. The first prefabricated vegetable supply chain comprehensive financial service business; in July this year, Guangzhou Nansha Branch China Nansha Branch of the People's Property and Insurance Co., Ltd. issued Guangzhou's first prefabricated food safety liability insurance for a Guangzhou company, providing about 3 million yuan of food safety Responsibility risk guarantee.

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