The number of new infections has decreased significantly for two consecutive days. Time:2022.07.13 · Lightning News, July 13th. On the morning of July 13, the Journalism Office of the Linyi Municipal People's Government held a series of press conferences of the 34th series of the themes of overall epidemic prevention and control and economic operation. At the meeting, the member of the Standing Committee of the Linyi Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor Jun Xinyang notified the latest situation of the Linyi City epidemic prevention and control.

Jun Xinyang introduced: "Since the occurrence of this round of epidemic, Linyi City has not shaken the general policy of the" dynamic clearing zero ", resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic, and ensure the safety of the people's lives and health. At the time, there were 3 new local diagnosis cases in our city, all of which were light, all of which were discovered at the centralized isolation point; 33 cases of new native symptoms were added, of which 30 cases in Lanling County and 3 cases of Lanshan District were all in the centralized isolation point. It is found that the above personnel have been regulated to the isolation observation and treatment of a designated hospital. The number of new infections in the city has decreased significantly for two consecutive days, and the overall situation of the epidemic has continued to improve, and it has achieved phased results. "

Lightning News reporter Gu Huiyuan Ma Shichao Sun Xuezhang Linyi Report

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