Linyi's first English spoken contest work was collected to August 20th

Author:On Linyi Client Time:2022.07.13

Linyi's first English spoken contest work was collected to August 20th

The first prize winner will have the opportunity to participate in the "21st Century Cup" English speech contest

Since the beginning of the first English spoken competition in Linyi City, it has attracted the enthusiastic participation of many students and citizens. Although the competition adopts the way to record video in advance, the contestants are unambiguous, enthusiastic, and each show.

"Linyi, Formerly Called Langya or YIZHOU in Ancient Times, is locald in the southeast of Shaandong Province." For the first time, Zheng Qiwen, the second grade of the first grade of Linyi First Experimental Primary School, was not afraid of the field. In the work, she uses a proper word, accurate pronunciation, and standards. From the perspective of a second -year elementary school student, she introduces the beautiful scenery of her hometown of Linyi and the historical and cultural celebrities born in Linyi. She also conveys deep love for hometown.

There are a thousand Hamlet in his heart. Linyi, the appearance of everyone's heart is not the same. In the currently received works, the contestants have performed well. They are full of confidence and talk about the history, culture, and humanities of their hometown. They have sincere emotions, and they all show their enthusiastic love for Linyi.

The reporter learned from the first English speaking competition organizing committee of Linyi City that the theme of the first English speaking contest of Linyi City is "I’ m from Linyi ". It has four groups: primary school group, middle school group, college group, and public group. The competition adopts the form of a unified report video. Participants need to register and log in to the "Linyi" client to enter the "I'm from Linyi — the first English spoken contest of Linyi City" Personal name/collective name, speech topic, participation grouping, contact information, instructor, etc.

Scan the QR code upload the video video

The video background content can show both the participants' speech and the city's city style. In principle, the duration of the video works does not exceed 5 minutes. The format is .mp4, the size does not exceed 50MB, with English subtitles, the screen ratio is 16: 9 (horizontal screen). It should be noted that if the contestants use non -original videos, please obtain the copyright or use right to the original author. The follow -up issues caused by the video copyright are personally responsible for the participants.

After the collection of works, the "in Linyi" client will focus on the participating works and accept praise from the majority of netizens. Participants' total scores are composed of two parts: expert review and netizens. After the entry of the participating works is comprehensive review, the first, second and third prizes and excellent prizes will be selected.

What needs to be specifically explained is that the players who have won the first prize of each group will have the opportunity to participate in the Shandong Division of the "21st Century Cup" National English Speech Conference. The "21st Century Cup" National English speech contest was hosted by China Daily and hosted by the 21st Century English Education Media. Since its establishment in 1996, the contest is a Chinese competition in the Chinese English speaking contest held in London, UK in May each year. The winner will represent the style of Chinese young students on behalf of China on behalf of China.

The reporter learned from the organizing committee that, based on comprehensive considerations, the collection stage of the first English speaking contest work in Linyi will be postponed to 17:30 on August 20th, and the friends who have not had time to submit can have to hurry up.

Lin Newspaper Rong Media Reporter Chu Feifei

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