The Women's Federation of Shundian Town held a preaching activity of "New Era of Entrusted with the Party, New Era of Construction Gong"

Author:Yuzhou Rong Media Center Time:2022.07.13

On the morning of July 12, Shundian Town held a lecture event of "New Era of Entrusting a New Age with the Party and the New Era of the Party" in Yuzhou City. Mobilized.

As a bridge and link between the grassroots women's federation to contact the women and the masses, do women's work in the future and even longer. It is also necessary to unify thinking, unified will, and unified action. We must combine the current "five -star" branch creation work to target the "civilized happiness star" to serve the masses, promote social harmony, advocate the new customs of the tree, and continuously boost the villagers' essence qi God and rejuvenating a new weather, coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development. We must keep in mind the original mission, forge ahead, work hard, and strive to promote the high -quality development of women's work.

Cai Caimin, Secretary of the Outstanding Women's Branch of Shundian Town, Yang Caiqin and Li Jingpei, an excellent grass -roots women workers, and Kang Chuanzhen, an outstanding entrepreneurial female, made a typical speech. The four comrades shared their understanding of women's work from different angles, and they said that they would participate in the creation of the "Five Star" branch.

In the next step, the Women's Federation of Shundian Town continues to promote the major lecture activities, and the typical women's typical women entering the village, community, enterprises, and campus in various fields and industries in various fields and industries will be widely launched. The enthusiasm of Zhenguang Women's Women's Officer's entrepreneurial entrepreneurship will welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

Source: Shundian Town People's Government

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