Struggler · Zheng Youth 丨 Huang Qianfu: Innovative medical technology illuminates the dawn of life

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.07.13

With such a company, the founder of the company Huang Qianfu and his team used a "one needle" for more than ten years -Kangbo Dao, a low -temperature frozen surgery system for tumor minimally invasive therapy.

Kangbo Dao is mainly used for tumor minimally invasive treatment. It has been applied in more than 100 hospitals across the country, breaking the import monopoly of tumor intervention in the treatment of high -end medical devices.From the first clinical test to the registration of medical device, to obtaining price approval and entering the medical insurance catalog ... Huang Qianfu and his team struggled for more than ten years.

Reporter: Guo Peiran Ma Xiaodong


[Editor in charge: Wang Xue]

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