Anhui Yixian County: China Huangshan "Yingkesong" Cup Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Digital Creative Orientation Metrops

Author:Anhui County Rong Channel Time:2022.07.13

On July 12, the theme "Cost of the Huizhou Entrepreneurs Huangshan" China Huangshan "Welcome Pine" Cup Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Digital Creative Orientation Remote Sub -Race was successfully held in Yixian County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province. The event was hosted by the People's Government of Huangshan City and hosted by the People's Government of Li County.

Picture showing the event site

The competition brings together 20 projects such as cultural tourism, film and television media, rural revitalization, and living in Kangyang. It is carried out in the form of offline roadshow. Each project participates in the competition through 8 minutes of display+7 minutes of defense. Five investors and industrial experts were invited to serve as judges to score the content of the project's talents and team capabilities, the advanced nature of the project, and the level of industrialization.

In the era of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", Huangshan's "double innovation" forces have been active in all corners of the society, bringing huge vitality to the city. The contests gathering projects, talents, funds, industrial resources and other elements help regions to open up the relevant chain of industrial upstream and downstream, promote regional industrial upgrading and formats, and generate sustainable benefits. Before the match, a centralized signing ceremony of the digital creative direction of the "Welcome Pine" Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Huangshan, China, also held a centralized signing ceremony for the concentration.

It is reported that in order to comprehensively promote the construction of creative Huangshan and make every effort to build a city of creative innovation, Qixian took the initiative to introduce the "Establishment Plan for the establishment of a strategic emerging industry investment and guidance fund", and the first industrial fund was established. Provide the project with a full process tracking service.

In order to encourage creative projects to land, Yixian County established the "four 10 million" industrial funds in accordance with the needs of industrial economic development, providing capital, manpower, and venue comprehensive supporting policies for emerging enterprises settled in Li County, especially for "five Black "four major industries, including agricultural characteristic industries, cultural tourism industries, industrial enterprises, and service industries to implement" four 10 million "incentive measures, and the development of corporate financial support, industrial enterprises recruitment, cultural tourism industry, and social service enterprises. Give special funding subsidies to help enterprises develop and grow. At the time of innovation and entrepreneurship, Yixian is standing at a new outlet for innovation and development. Lead the future and converge with the momentum of entrepreneurship.

Source: Hu Sheng, Huan County Rong Media Center

Edit: Ang Yuhao

Review: Zhu Jianghui Gongling Banner

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