Xizheng community in Huaichuan Street, Liuyang City Carry out Food Safety Propaganda Activities

Author:Golden Eagle News Time:2022.07.13

Correspondent Fu Yao

Everyone is responsible for food safety. In order to create a social atmosphere of everyone's care about food safety and everyone participating in food safety, recently, Xizheng Community, Huaichuan Street, Liuyang City takes the "Food Safety Publicity Week" as an opportunity to organize volunteers to carry out a series of Food safety propaganda activities have effectively improved the masses' awareness of food safety.

More than 40 people including merchant representatives and volunteers in the community organized a lecture on food safety publicity, and watched publicity videos such as "Prevention of Wild Mushroom Food Poisoning Safety Education" and such as "Prevention of Wild Mushroom Food Poisoning Safety Education" and knowledge and answers. Improve the awareness and participation rate of food safety work.

Community food safety volunteers through the streets and lanes, go to the door, enter the square, enter the market, and enter the community, and issue a food safety publicity manual to merchants and residents to explain related food science popularization knowledge and common sense of food safety. At the same time, use electronic screens and Plastic publicity columns, "party member micro -grid+five households" and other platforms to promote food safety knowledge in all aspects.

The people's food as the sky, the party branch of the Xizheng community always puts the people's life safety and physical health first, continuously improves the level of food safety protection, weaves food safety protection network, and resolutely protects the people of the people. ", Continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security, and escort the food safety of residents in the jurisdiction.

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