Yuanwang No. 5 sail again!

Author:Study legion Time:2022.07.13

On the morning of July 13, the third -generation aerospace ocean measurement ship independently designed and developed by my country was expected to leave No. 5 in accordance with the plan of the Chinese satellite marine measurement and control according to the plan, and went to the scheduled waters to perform maritime measurement and control missions.

Before this sailing, in order to ensure that the task was all disappointed, Yuanwang No. 5 shipped and sorted out the same task information over the years, analyzed the same point, learned to learn from mature experience and practices, and widened technical exchanges and dialogues.Complete the task to be fully prepared.

Yuanwang No. 5 is the main force of the my country Maritime Surveying and Control Network. Since joining the Yuanwang's family, it has sailed more than 570,000 nautical miles. The task success rate has reached 100 %.

Author 丨 Lei Yuxin, reporter Wang Lingshuo

Source 丨 Learning Legion (ID: xuexijuntuan)

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