Xinxing Street conveys the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the province

Author:Yanji Propaganda Time:2022.07.13

Recently, Xinxing Street held a special meeting to convey the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the Provincial Provincial Congress.

meeting venue

The meeting requested that the street party members and cadres should take the spirit of study, propaganda, and implementation of the 12th party congress of the provincial congress as an important political task at present and in the future, and effectively improve their political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.Fall in practice.It is necessary to enhance the initiative, consciousness and enthusiasm of learning and implementation of the spirit of the party congress, formulate a learning plan, and truly achieve deep understanding, combining learning, guiding practice, and promoting work.

Lu Pingxiu was interviewed

After the meeting, Lu Pingxiu, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Xinxing Street, said: "I will lead the neighborhood cadres to learn the spirit of the twelfth party congress, and take the meeting as the driving force for promoting the various work of the street.The new model of governance has made new and greater contributions to the development of Yanji Economic and Social. "

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