Nanyang Market Supervision Bureau Wolong Branch: Help nucleic acid test party members volunteer first

Author:Today Wolong Time:2022.07.13

On July 13, Nanyang City launched a third round of full -member nucleic acid testing to ensure the health and safety of all residents of all residents in the jurisdiction, ensuring that the test tasks were completed in an all -round way, so that residents were lined up and heatstroke exemption. Shen community, participating in volunteer services to help community nucleic acid testing.

The volunteers of party members wear red sleeves and red vests. They are both "propagandists" and "interpreter", and they are also "dredging" and "waiters". Collecting, reminding residents to wear masks, maintain a safe distance, and help elderly people who are inconvenient to open up "green channels" for special groups. They use practical actions to show their responsibilities and help nucleic acid testing efficiently and smoothly.

The volunteers of the Market Supervision Bureau Wolong Branch are hot on their heads, not afraid of the heat, and effectively lead the role of the combat fortress of the grass -roots party organizations and the vanguard of the party members in the front, the charge. The original intention and mission of doing practical things for the masses, let the party flag flutter high in the front line of "epidemic" in war! (Wu Lifeng Yu Zhaojun)

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