Zeng Yong, a professor of the Sichuan Grand West China Hospital, hired Zeng Yong as the honorary dean

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.13

Li Kang Cover Journalist Liu Yangu

On July 13, the Honorary Dean's appointment ceremony of the Honorary Dean of Guangyuan City Center Hospital in Sichuan Province was held to hire a professor and a doctoral tutor Zeng Yong, a professor and a doctoral tutor of Sichuan University. The letter of appointment of the honorary dean was issued.

In recent years, Guangyuan City has further promoted the reform and innovation of municipal medical institutions. With the construction of key specialty (studies) as the carrier, we strengthened closely with high -level medical institutions to build brand hospitals. There are 6 three hospitals and three hospitals, 1 national key specialist, 50 provincial key specialties, and the Guangyuan City Center Hospital ranks among the top in the province. Last year, the Eighth Party Congress of Guangyuan City clearly proposed four major projects: in -depth implementation of the four major projects of population agglomeration, education improvement, health guardianship, and environmental optimization. For the leadership, the boutique specialty has accelerated the construction of the regional medical center of the Sichuan -Shaanxi -Gansu -the Ministry of the Ministry, and strives to create a "medical in Guangyuan" brand.

Sichuan University West China Hospital has strong teachers, exquisite medical technology, advanced diagnosis and treatment equipment, and strong scientific research strength. As early as 2019, the Guangyuan Municipal Government signed an important strategic cooperation agreement with the West China Hospital of Sichuan University. The hierarchical collaborative diagnosis and treatment system, focus on strengthening the cooperation and co -construction of key specialty (studies) and medical talents. The college alliance has strongly promoted the city's boutique specialties to achieve breakthrough development.

"As a doctor who went out of Guangyuan City, I will support and help the development of the medical and health undertakings in my hometown." Zeng Yong said that he will use his deep professional skills and rich medical resources for Guangyuan for Guangyuan. The construction of the city center hospital and the development of Guangyuan Health and Health provides strong support. It will build a closer cooperation bridge with Sichuan Daxi West China Hospital, and give greater support and grades in hospital strategic planning, process optimization, discipline construction, academic exchanges, and talent training. Help and promote the high -quality development of Guangyuan Health and Health.

"The joining of Professor Zeng Yong not only brought a strong driving force for the leap development of the Guangyuan City Center Hospital, but also promoted the city's medical and health level and service capabilities. New Development 'provides strong health service guarantee for Guangyuan to accelerate the construction of the Sichuan -Shaanxi -Gansu -the -Journalist Ministry of Modernization. "Yuan Min, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangyuan Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, said that he hopes that Guangyuan Middle Hospital will grasp opportunities, bold innovation, and seek common development. , Constantly improving the level of medical services and lean management, the Municipal Health and Health Commission actively strives for policies, borrowing wisdom, borrowing, and borrowing the situation to create a better environment for promoting the cooperation between hospitals.

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