In the northern Xinjiang Lin Hai, he practice people's supremacy and life supremacy

Author:Inner Mongolia Forest Fire Time:2022.07.13

——Reamed Inner Mongolia Forest Fire Brigade Daxinganling Detachment Qigan Squadron Wang Dempeng

At 53 degrees north latitude, the original forest hinterland of Daxing'an Mountains in the north of the motherland, and the Bargaining White Wall of the Daxinganling Squadron of the Daxing'an Ridge Division of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Battlefront White Wall, is looming in the morning mist. Wang Depeng, a political instructor of the squadron and secretary of the party branch, routinely inspected the camp to understand the night duty and weather conditions from the sentimental sentry. "The squadron is stationed in an uninhabited area, and the situation is special, and I usually have more attentive." Wang Depeng said.

At the Chinese and foreign journalists held on June 18, the CPC Central Committee's Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 18, Wang Depeng said, "It will guard the northern Xinhai forest and sea in the northern Xinjiang and sea of ​​the northern Xinjiang, like our 24th generation Qigan finger soldiers, The first stop of the motherland's Green Great Wall. "

Imp sense with the heart of the redness inheritance with the heart of red

When Wang Depeng graduated from the undergraduate undergraduate, he learned that the Qigan Squadron had a heavy historical and good tradition when he worked at the Daxinganling Detachment of the Inner Mongolia Corps. Since then, Wang Dapee meets the "past life" of the Qigan squadron, and is curious about the "Lin Hai Island" in the virgin forest area of ​​Daxing'an Ridge in the depths. Knowing that the squadron refers to the "Double 50" extreme test of 53 degrees north latitude and minimum temperature at minimum temperature in the north, and to endure the loneliness of being unreasonable and not being able to pass the signal. With the Qigan Squadron, the soldiers persisted there, and what made so many comrades willing to stay away from prosperity and loneliness?

In 2014, Wang Despean was admitted to the master's degree in Beijing Forestry University. "It is splendid for the mountains and rivers to make the land into Danqing." After graduating, he resolutely chose to return to the Daxinganling Detachment to protect the most primitive and only primitive forest areas in China.

Hard work pays off. Before the team transfer, Wang Dopeng was appointed as the captain of the Qigan Squadron due to his ability to excellent capabilities in various aspects. After the team was transferred, the team was appointed as a political instructor of Qigan Squadron. He said, "I felt at the time, like a historical relay stick to me. To be honest, I felt a bit heavy."

Praise with youth enthusiasm sketching

The primitive forest area in the northern part of Daxing'an Mountains in Inner Mongolia is the only primitive forest area in my country that has not been developed in China. In the summer, lightning fires are frequent, with an average of more than 100 thunderstorms per day. In recent years, due to the influence of global climate change, the fire in spring and autumn has increased year by year, and the situation of fire prevention is severe.

As the "bridgehead" that guards the ecological safety defense line in North Xinjiang, Qigan Squadron pointed out that the soldiers were specially sensitive to the fire police. "Many people have seen the instructor's appearance in the middle of the night." Gao Kai, the squadron, said.

Afraid of fire does not mean that he was afraid of getting angry. Facing the burning forest fire, Wang Depeng never stepped back. On June 19, 2019, a lightning fire broke out in the Jinhe Forest Farm, Daxing'anling. The temperature of the fire field is high, the surface humus is thick, the ground fire, the surface fire, and the crown fire are burned, and the heat waves can not open the eyes. As the first squadron to reach the fire field, Wang Dopeng led the tackling team to quickly enter the fire line to open the breakthrough, and adopted the combined warfare of troops to seal the fire field. Fan Xiaobin, who followed Wang Dopeng's reporter, still remembers the scene at that time: "The vegetation is mainly porosciences, the branches are connected to the way, and the pine oil is on the fire. Go. The instructor stomped his feet in a hurry, grabbed a cutting machine, and took us to open the way forward. "After more than 8 hours of difficult battles, the fire field achieved a combination, Wang Depeng cheered, and rushed to the line before dawn. Clean up thoroughly.

Wang Dopeng introduced that after the reform of the reform, the squadron command mechanism and coordination mobilization were smoother. "For example, we have established a relatively efficient command platform that can always know the location and fire field of the neighboring units at any time." He said, "Now we have drones in the sky, helicopters in the air, and fire extinguishing armored tanks on the ground. The equipment of these new special equipment allows us to save the entire rescue, and the efficiency of fire extinguishing now is greatly improved. "

In the face of comprehensive emergency rescue mission, everyone still feels "panic." Wang Depeng mentioned that in the strong transformation, the Qigan squadron has a slogan: "Jumping out of Qigan to see Qigan, looking at the gap in the country." The squadron actively deepened the team's integration, and regularly discussed the situation with the emergency, forestry, meteorological and fire prevention departments to discuss the situation of forest and grassland fire prevention and fire, and regularly exchanged skills with local professional fluttering teams. At the same time, fire prevention propaganda entered the front line of communities, schools and fire prevention, which enhanced the awareness of forest fire prevention of the whole people, and realized the transformation from heavy fires to severe fire prevention.

Forging loyalty with no regrets

Most of the forest fire teams are stationed in the majority of forest areas in my country. The Qigan Squadron is a typical representative of the original forest area independent in the hinterland of the primitive forest. Since the establishment of the team in 1963, the Qigan squadron refers to the warrior and the mountain as the neighbor, and the forest as the companion for 59 years. The spirit also sounds the vow of "the northernmost, the coldest, the most loyal, the most, the farthest, and most assured".

After the reform of the reform in 2018, in the face of the new situation and new tasks, how to continue the red gene and inherit the spirit of Qigan is a "required question" in front of the party branch secretary Wang Depeng.

Do not change the turn, and change the color. In order to make Qigan's spirit new in the new era, Wang Depeng and a branch of the branch organized the construction of the team in accordance with the outline team and the archives according to the outline team, and the archives were classified, refined, and drawn nutrition; In the end, the construction of the Squadron needs to "persist and consolidate, improve, and develop"; seriously organize the organization to refer to the team to revisit the team's independent establishment of the tradition, condense the co -consensus to sing the "concerto" in accordance with the outline. Under the leadership of Wang Dopeng, the Party Branch of the Qigan Squadron determined the goal positioning of "Northern Xinjiang Forest Guardians in the New Era", in accordance with the "highlighting theoretical armed soul -casting soul, focusing on mission mission strong energy, strict daily management foundation, building strong fighting fortress pilot leader "Construction ideas, widely carried out the theme activities of" Inherit the history of Qigan, promote the spirit of Qigan, build Qigan today, and create Qigan Future "theme practice activities, and create a new era of excellent teams that make the party and the people rest assured.

After the transfer, the Qigan Squadron was successively commended by the Emergency Management Department as the first "Most Beautiful Emergency Management Order (Collective)" and the Fifth "National Advanced Fire Capture of National 119". The Youth May 4th Medal "collectively set up a collective first -class merit once. At a major historic moment of celebrating the 100 -year -old party, the Squadron Party Branch was awarded the title of" Grassroots Advanced Party Organization "by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. "Chinese Youth May 4th Medal" collective. The construction of the squadron has been steadily moving forward, and it has also been praised by the people in the forest area "the patron saint of the primitive forest area". "The commander of our squadron will definitely adhere to the belief of 'Dao Mountain Dare to Shang and Huo Hai Dare to Caper", and dedicate their youth to the northern Xinhai of the motherland to protect the ecological security barrier of our motherland northern Xinjiang. "Wang Despean said.

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Du Xianglong Pang Xinghang


Yao Shunyu Gao Yingbai

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Gao Ying

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