For the first time in the world, domestic drones complete high altitude, signal -free area emergency communication "actual combat" test

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.13

Cover news reporter Liu Ke Sheng

From July 10th to 12th, the double -tailed scorpion drone developed by Sichuan Tengshun Technology Co., Ltd. and has a complete intellectual property rights. The Ganzi Kangding Airport at 4238 meters above sea level successfully completed the large -scale high -altitude network emergency communication. Plateau test and flight verification on the platform.

It is reported that this is the first time in the world under the complex natural environment and real emergency conditions such as "high altitude" areas and "signalless" areas, and the "actual combat" test of the air -based base station to achieve the entire network of emergency communication is completed. The emergency protection capabilities of human -machine platforms and communication equipment have accumulated real data and valuable experience for the next scale and practical use.

Domestic drone is lifted to carry out emergency communication operations

The mobile phone immediately recovered from the state -free state within 30 to 50 square kilometers

During the altitude flight verification test stage, the double -tailed scorpion drone took off from Ganzi Kangding Airport and arrived at the field command covered by the communications network without a communication network.

It is understood that after the double -tailed drone fly to the task area and conduct emergency communication operations, China Telecom, Mobile, and Unicom's mobile phones within 30 to 50 square kilometers have recovered from a state -free state. A reminder SMS has been received: "[Warm reminder of the Sichuan Provincial Communications Administration] Dear users, your mobile phone has access to the communication network through a fixed -wing drone high -altitude station, which can provide you with real -time voice and SMS services. Well!"

At the same time, the SMS collection and sending functions of the mobile phone in the task area, WeChat transmission text, voice and document functions, as well as the phone owner and call function, all recovered, and the flight verification work was successfully successful.

The world's first large -scale high -end drone system

The maximum range of 7,000 kilometers can rise tens of thousands of meters high altitude to carry out homework

According to the work deployment of the Information and Communications Authority of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Sichuan Provincial Communications Administration launched the "Large -scale high -altitude network emergency communication drone platform" project in February this year. Human -machine, successfully organized the technical verification and testing of the "Large -High -altitude entire network emergency communication drone platform" project, and realized the world's first use of air base stations to complete the full communication network coverage and services of three basic telecommunications operation enterprises.

In order to continue to verify the complex natural environment and real emergency conditions, the drone is equipped with the stability and reliability of communication equipment, as well as a large -scale regional communication capacity. This time, the Sichuan Provincial Communications Administration once again organized the "large -scale high -altitude network emergency communication drone platform plateau flight verification test" to simulate major natural disasters in Yalaha, Kangding City, Kangding City, Ganzi Prefecture. All power and communication are interrupted, and conventional emergency communication vehicles and equipment cannot reach the disaster area in the short term. In order to open up the "last mile" of the rescue and disaster relief in time and ensure the smooth flow of the "lifeline", the Sichuan Provincial Communications Administration emergency dispatching the double -tailed scorpion drone to the disaster area to provide emergency communication guarantee services for the disaster area.

据介绍,此次飞行验证测试使用的双尾蝎无人机,翼展20米、机长10米、机高3.1米,最大航时35小时、最大航程7000公里、最大升限10000米,最大Speed ​​280 km/h, is the world's first double -hair large high -end drone system. Excellent air performance provides sufficient guarantee for the deployment and development of large emergency communication work, and also makes fast response, cross -regional and uninterrupted air support a reality.

At the same time, dual engines have greatly improved the system reliability and flight safety of the drone, so that the drone has maintained significant advantages in the aspects of the deployment capacity, complex weather conditions, and the adaptability of the complex geographical environment of the plateau and the sea. The configuration of the dual -engine motor ensures that the drone can provide sufficient power supply capacity for the entire Netcom air base station or other task loads. These characteristics also make the double -tailed scorpion drone particularly suitable for the field of emergency communication.

It is understood that the flight verification test in the actual combat scene of the high -cold area of ​​the plateau has further enriched the application scenario and use connotation of large drones directly participating in emergency communication. It has a strong inspirational meaning for the deep integration of large drones into the emergency communication system. And demonstration effect.

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