Organization of our county listened to the city's strong county action work promotion meeting

Author:Longnan Westwa Published Time:2022.07.13

On July 11, the city's strong county action work promotion meeting was held in Wudu. Zhang Kebing, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress and the Provincial Strong County Action Promotion Association, adhere to systemic thinking, find out their own positioning, clarify goals and tasks, strengthen measures to implement measures to implement measures Fully promote the development of a new situation in the county's development, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Zhang Kebing pointed out that Longnan should achieve high -quality development and build a "three cities and five places". The key is in the county and focusing on the county area. All departments at all levels in the city must accurately grasp the significance, reality gap and future potential of strong county actions, further improve their political standing, strengthen responsibility, and consciously put the work of strong counties in the overall development situation to plan and promote it. Efforts are focused on the use of resources, sufficient advantages, and living policies, and strive to achieve good results in a new round of competition.

Zhang Kebing emphasized that the implementation of a strong county action must be clarified, and the new development concepts are fully accurately and comprehensively implemented. A good track forms a new pattern of county development with distinctive characteristics, complementary functions, and reasonable stairs. To strengthen the industry's strong bones, to solve the specific problems as the entry point to continue to promote the "four industries", go all out to build parks, recruit big business, cloth new bureaus, and plastic brands, find the starting point, focus on breakthroughs, and use the industries to make a large industry. Development drives the great development of the county; it is necessary to consolidate the strong support of the foundation, prioritize the road, water, electricity, network and other projects that are related to county development and industrial cultivation, and comprehensively supplement the shortcomings of infrastructure construction. The advantages of green development and training, solidly promote the establishment of the "two mountains" base, continue to strengthen the governance of ecological environment, start the basic work of creating a national civilized city, and unswervingly promote the green rise of ecological Longnan; Role, do a good job of education that the people are satisfied with, strengthen housing security, improve medical care, improve security capabilities, and promote the transfer of population to cities and towns; strengthen the pilot of modernization of urban social governance, vigorously promote the work of "1234" The law, solidly promote the business environment of "big reflection, rectification, big commitments, major supervision, and investigation and punishment" activities, and continuously promote the modernization of county governance systems and governance capabilities.

Zhang Kebing emphasized that the implementation of a strong county's action to find a way to find a way, accurately grasp the requirements of the "three new and one high", consciously find a targeted position in the province's overall situation, and unswervingly follow its own actual development path. It is necessary to adhere to the use of policies to strengthen the county, seize a series of policy opportunities, implement a policy of stabilizing the economy of the State Council, provincial, and municipalities, and strive to convert policies into practical results. Industrial projects, insist on signing the project, the early stage of the project to be planned, and the progress of the project under construction, with the dense landing of the project and the efficient implementation of the project to add vitality to the development of the county; Positioning, playing a good character, taking a good road, adhering to a game of chess in the city, strengthening collaborative exchanges, and effectively doing the economic scale of large regions; we must adhere to the reform and innovation of the county, increase the reform of the county to strengthen the county, and give the county and district more resource elements The right to deploy, actively promote the reform of "standard land", improve the supply rate of land use, and effectively use the method of reform to solve the system and mechanism issues that restrict the development of development; we must adhere to the people -centered county, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and implement the demonstration of rural revitalization demonstrations Projects, continuously enhance urban functions and carrying capacity, coordinate the promotion of rural revitalization and people -centered new urbanization, so that the masses have a better life. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen the guarantee of factors, attach importance to evaluation, create a strong atmosphere, and promote the effective and effective development of various tasks in the county.

Zhang Kebing also made arrangements for the prevention and control of the epidemic, emphasizing that the city must strengthen prevention and control measures, comprehensively implement the spirit of the province's epidemic prevention and control work dispatch meeting and the requirements of the ninth edition prevention and control plan, increase grid control and control efforts, resolutely resolute We can do it early and deal with it early; we must do their best to prevent the input work of the traffic bayonet, strictly implement the 24 -hour duty on duty, and implement measures such as the implementation of the landing inspection, closed -loop management and control; Ability, strengthen material reserves, and be prepared.

When he presided over, Liu Yongge emphasized that all levels and departments should maintain fixed force, highlight the key points, condense the combination, promote the breakthroughs and flowers of the strong county, and strive to create the top ten counties in the province, progressive counties, and advanced counties.

The meeting notified the results of the comprehensive evaluation of the county's economic development in 9 counties (districts) in the city, and comrades in charge of Chengxian County, Xihe County, Dangchang County, and Wenxian made speeches.

The meeting opened to the county level in the form of a video. County leaders Yang Yan, Shi Bang Gang, Ma Guorong, Xue Tong, Zhang Wenhou, Ran Yanqing, Xu Tong, Tan Jianwu, Gao Xiaoqiang, Li Liang, etc. Participated and listened to the meeting.

(Report: Wang Jing Niu Rui)

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